Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 Ianuali 1902 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Some interesting sugar news was •iv*'d from Washington yesterday in Willett and Gray’s latest circular. Of course allowance must be made • r the Sugar Trust’s control over the ■ rcular as giving an interested edltoiial ting* here ami there. That the r* fineries have not suffered in their business of last year is shown by the fact that the average difference be tween the prices of raw and refined was one-quarter of a cent a pound more in Ifttil than in IftOO. One statement of Willett and Gray’s, which should not go uncontradicted, is the follow!tig. "The Hawaiian Island crop of the jeai received full benefit attaching to free sugars” The writer knew this was absolutely false as the refiners refuse to pay full market price for Hawaiian sugar. This tax. which our planters have to pay for the privilege of getting their sugar refined, is another source of profit to the Trust that is not represented in the difference between raw and refined. The octopus takes good care of itself.