Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — ROSA COMMITTED TO THE CIRCUIT COURT [ARTICLE]

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MARALE PROVIDED WITH A JOB Oorg.- Ro»j. charged with murd*r in the llrst degre- in that V* is a’ to have been implicated ta th* death of his brother J»»ph Roea afforded the basis of about the must important case that came op b.-for-judge Wilcox in the First District Court yesterday morning. Rosa, through hia attorneys waived examination. He was committed to the Clrcnit Ooort for trial. Manuel Morale was one act of eight Porto Rk-an vagrants arraign- d yesterday who escaped with a nolle pros. Morales submitted ample proof that he was a cigar maker by trade and that he had been snatched from a lucrative job in the general round up made by the police department a short ago. Morale was permit* ted to again resume his labors. The cases of the other Porto Ricans were deferred until Monday morning.