Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — PANAMA ROUTE IS PUSHING ITS WAY FORWARD [ARTICLE]

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Isthraian Waterway Muddle is Growing in Hally of Congress. FIFTY TEH OLD MEDDLE C? Representatiif Bepburo is Opposed to Grayeurd Bonte for Jdierica. • ■ “■ Department of State Teat Panama Company n Prepa-ed to Give Complete T:t!e for too OCO OOO—Legislation Seems Hardly Possible at Tb s Session. [Special C>*rr>spoaJeß»iHepburn Opposed Panama. WASHINGTON P C Jaa s Another muddle in Congnws tha; ' growing rapidly is th«* one ov- r th* construction of an Isthmian cans Th-' Hepburn bill providing for thconstruction of th- Nicaragua car..-, comes up. by special assignment in the House of Representatives at a <n to-morrow. But the action of t iv* House will have nothing to do withe case at all. Old Fifty Year Muddle. T!i‘ Panama Company has «:, • - two days notified the Departmert Stat" that it stands ready to d- .:• r over to the United States the col plete tlt’e to the Panama cans! fi r s4»*.o**o,<KM) the price that th;.* com try has expressed itself, heretofore as b-ing willing to pay for the pnn* erty So wh’-n the two propo-dtl"! r. aeh the Senate there will b* t! usual muddle—the same mud lie that has existed for fifty year* will p; sent itself, and there will be no dei slon at this session of Congre-s. It will take, at the least calculation six or eight months to And out whither ‘he title that the Panama Company proposes to deliver to thUnited Stat - i> valid, and that “-t" alone will make a< tion at thi.- -■ "ion of Congress impossible Repr» tentative Hepburn, of lowa who has charge 0 f f h,. Nicaragua bill told me yesterday that he would never consent to the passage of the Pan sma hill, because he believes tharoute to be an impossible one from several standpoints "Prom the standpoint tf h a-rh aIon“." said Mr. Hepburn, we cannot afford to take the Panama ro;-. - - Warner Miller told me that be w. ed 2"00 m*-n on the Nicaragua routfor mouths and only six of th» m died I am told that the Panama graveyard contains eight thousand graves f m**r who have died there In the »er rice of the Panama canal com parrSuch a record a* that la worth bear ing in mind If th»re were no other consul ration* ' Deadlock in Sijht. But here again the opinion of Pr< dent Roosevelt come* in. He fa-. - the Panama route, or at leas' h<- fav era the careful consideration of that route before the Nicaragua bi!! passed. Senator Lodge 0 f Ma*-i chusctts. the spokesman of the Pre.l d»nt in the Senate, also favor* tr. Panama route. So the deadlock * real.