Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — ROBBER CAUGHT AT HIS WORK [ARTICLE]

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GILOEAS APARTMENTS LOOTED Mahlmana's Quest For Adventure at Iwilei Resulted in His Downfall and Incarceration—Hiio Stow away Not Permitted to Enjoy Life San Michael, a Porto Ri'an. was brought to She police station yesterday < vrning charged with highway robbery. H Kopela declared he was the victim. According to Kopela hwas waylaid while passing the vicinity of Vineyard and Punchbowl streets. Th 1 * Porto Rican commanded Kopeia to deliver up his valuables, and as a means of hastening action, he is said to have flourished a big knife. The weapon was introduced es evidence When the Porto Rican was searched ai the central station. al>out S 4 in cash was found upon his person. The tim-dy interference of three Portuguese hoys aided Kop< la in escaping unscathed. J. A. fJildea. employed at the Sani tary Steam Laundry and rooming on King street near the former site of the Stock Yards Stab'e-. reported to the police last night that his room had b~en entered and 150 worth of | clothes bad been taken. Oildea de- ; dared he had occasion to suspect a negro employee of the> laundry who was recently discharged from th c service. Pending investigation no arrests have been male. H Hahimana fell in with a Porto Rican damsel at Iwilei last night and arrests followed. Both were charged with violating certain sections of the social code. Santo* Soreao. a stowaway found aboard the Kinau upon her arrival in port yesterday afternoon, was placed rnder arrest, pending receipt of Information from Hilo.