Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 Ianuali 1902 — WILDER COMPANY LOSES ITS APPEAL TO SUPREME COURT [ARTICLE]
[SiUCI \L tOBKESrUXDEXCr-I WASHINGTON. D. C Jan 6 - The United Slates Supreme Court today handed down a decision in the case of :h« Wilder Steamship Company, of Hawaii against the I’nited States Circuit Court of App-ais for the Ninth Circuit, being a petition for a writ of maudambs. >hu-h was denied by the Supreme Court The history of the case is that on Dec. 27. ISS9 the steamer Claudine. being own- J by the Wilder Company, came into collision with tbe barkentine William Carson, owned by the Spreck-Is. of San Francisco, and the Carson w* nt down. Suit was brought against toWilder Company, and a verdict of 155.000 given. Thereupon the case was app-ai-d to the Supreme Court of the Territory of Hawaii, and that Court alfirm id the verdict of the Court below, the decision being by Justice Frear and Perry. After that the case was appealed to the Ninth Circuit Court, but the Supreme Court of Hawaii refused to grant the appeal, or the in tertion rf appeal, and the appeal was Med with the Ninth Circuit, which Court also refus-d to grant it. where upon the petition for mandamus was brought to Washington, and that ha • now been refused.