Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — GOVERNOR DOLE HO THOUGHT OF VISITING CAPITAL [ARTICLE]

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Governor Dole was seen last night at his home on Emma street in regard to the fact that he is expected In Washington before long. "Our eorrespcndent inform? us that they are looking tor yon ?n Washing ton before many weeks wfc?n do you p>an leaving for the Coast, Governor T~ “I have made no plans to go to the . Coast and had entertained no idea of

» taking a trip Tin not aware that I am g-ing to Washington." “Bat they are expecting yon. Can yon say why?" “That may be Perhaps tb-»rp is something which access: tat-s m;* presence there, I may learn of some- • thing in the maiL I ha*c not receiv ed all my mail yet" “What «lit be your mission to Washington ?" “I cannot say. for I do not know that i am going to Washington I may Kara something in the mail.'