Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 500, 18 January 1902 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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★ The OLIVER TYPEWRITER Simplicity, durability, speed and manifolding power are conceded to be the four great essentials In a typewriting machine. We present to the public THE OLIVER as the latest and most striking embodiment of these features, and the most radical departure from other methods of construction. Examine this np-to-date machine before deciding upon a pur chase of an inferior make. Wall. XTi.oh.ols Co., I*td Agents for Territory of Hawaii. Tlieo. H. Davies & Go., Ltd. SUGAR FACTORS. IMPORTERS OF General Hlerchapdise COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AGENTS KOR Canadian-Australian Steamship I i. Lloyds. British & Foreign Marine Insurance Co. Northern Assurance Co. (Fire and Life). Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Pioneer Link of Packets from Liverfo i Os 0 g I s' »> S' s SS » 8 sV si T >' s' I s' >' 8 « 0 / * A Roof Over One's Head Is a Necessity s' S' Use the* best Roofing on Earth— READY ROCK ASPHALT ROOFING and keep out the rain a s' FOR SAI.K 15 V The Hawaiian Trading Co., Manufacturers’ Agents. I«4- F«i't Street. Love liuildin^. 8 s) \' s'

Fred Philp & Bro. 629 King St. WRIGHT BLDG. CAR RV A Fall Lin? of Saddles. Harness. Whips. "Collars. Hames. Chains. Soaps. Bridles. Bits. Spurs ANI> Harness Oil and Dressing. Gall Cure. Campbell s Hoof Remedy. Ellimans Embrocation. H. H. H. Liniment. Etc.. Etc. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ON ALL WORK UNDERTAKEN. PHONE BLUE 2651. Germania + Saloon C. WtL«EX-3. .p, .- _ 4- B&LSEK. ( pr -P rt ' ,t - r * 604 ftueen Street, cor. South. H-adquarter? for Honolulu Primo Beer, in bottles and an draught. Always Ice-Cold. We can gire you the best glass of Beer in town. TRY THE ALOHA SALOON DOVTX BY THE I BOX WORKS For a Good, Tasty Schooner OF BKER. \ KLEMIE BUM., Prrriitin.

HART & CO., Ltd. Elite ice Cream Parlors. Finest resort in the city. SODA WATER AND ICE CREAM Made from Pure Fruit Syrups. CHOCOLATES AND BON SONS. BAKERY LUNCH i tin in iimi Supplied dally with fresh killed meats and Vegetables. A LARGE GROCERY DEPARTMENT FRUITS. ETC.. ETC. Orders delivered to any part of the city. C. Q,. YEE HOP & CO Corner Beretaata and Alakea. Phone Blce 25* Honolulu Iron Works Co ...STEAM ENGINES... BOILERS. SUGAR M»XJ.S. COOL ERB. BRASS and LEAJ CASTINGS and Machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's blackamtthlng. Job work executed on shortest notice. Beaver. Inch. Rooms. H, J. NOLTE, : : ; : Propr. Fort Street. Just received a new lot of celebrated FIVE CLYT CIGARS New York Capaduras, Washington, Allaten, Union do Cuba, Grand Republic, Etc.