Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 500, 18 January 1902 — SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS OFFERED BY DIFFERENT BUSINESS HOUSES [ARTICLE]

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The pioneer liquor house, oldest and best, is The Hoffschlaeger Co.. Ltd Whips, bits, spurs, saddles, everything in turf goods at the California Harness Co. A fiesh shipment of Japanese tea .ets and lacquer ware just received. • i Iwakam! & Co. , U.-e Condon's night patrolmen for i safeguarding your house or cottage. 1 | Phone Blue 1211. ; A seven room cottage, furnished. - anted, must be centrally located. ] Apply Republican office. You've surely heard about those pn money pickles, if not. be sure to ask abcut them at Lewis it Co. Our prices and our clothes are a j great combination, hard to beat. 1 Sang Chang, tailor. Hotel street Our importations of Japanese goods { continue steadily, plantation con I tracts taken. Y. Suga Shoten, King Is; reel. Great opportunities are being offer-

ed to ladies at onr shirt waist sale. A. A. Montano. Arlington block. Ho- ; tel street. Contracts taken on sewer work, i iumbing and repairing work of an> kind undertaken. E. W. Quinn. Unior t treet. Our second great salt- is proving .■ great success. foods being offered at a tremendous bargain. Whitney .<■ Marsh. Limited. To sit behind a fast horse and watch the landscape glide by is a pleasure, if you want a really good horse_ Phone MaUln 35, The Terri tory Stables. The best is always the cheapest in the end. and when a house is known to carry reliable goods, it is best tc patronize it; see Hoffschlaeger Co.'s i«d. on page 5. AU c’asses of engineering work solicited. Examinations, surveys and reports made fer any class of waterworks. steam and electrical construe non. Hawaiian Engineering and Con struction Co.. StangenwalJ building