Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 500, 18 January 1902 — Latest Foreign News Condensed [ARTICLE]

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Latest Foreign News Condensed

Emperor William 'aril! att-n! th* oronatiqc of Kins Edward. Fire from an unknown cause de ■ :troyeii the paper mills ar CorraiTos , New York City is endeavoring to' -tcnre a Federal appropriation for a ’ " post OSes, The ord“r ha_« been received to! ' withdraw a portion of the United \ ~ - at - tronps from Cuba Harcourt Gold, the famoa English j ar-man. m s married in London Jan T to Mi-- H*-ien Mac lagan. Chinese reformers are preparing to! • stablisb a hank of their own in the j Vancouver. B. C-. Chinatown. Tr rranag* r- of th- S: i.< : - -\ bihitioo have .!»•• ..i*-d to *ffer s.*••• • "o for an airship competition. A movement has been start'-*! in: Liverpool to replace foreigners on’ British ships by British sailors. It is claimed that a formal offer of the Panama Canal company has not been received ah Washington. President and Mrs. Roosevelt gave a reception at the White House Jan ‘ in honor of the diplomatic corps. | Eight thousand tons of flour have| be n ordered from a Stockt* n Cal-. I milling company for shipment to China. Th House Committee on Census to lay ordered a favorable report on t the bill creating a p-rmanent census j bureau. Tiie United Stare-* Steel Corpora- • tion has declared quarterly dividends of 1 per cent on common and l'.» on preferred stock. William C. Trumbull, a veteran i orseman and the patriarch of the American trotting turf, .died at New--1 i urgh. N. Y.. Jan. 7. | A unique attempt is being m&de by , the University of California to preserv- the languages, songs and folklore of the Pacific Coast Indians. J. Acock, night electrician at the Spreckels sugar factory, at Salinas. Cab, shocked with a voltage of 2t>oo. lives to tell the tale, though probably fatally hurt. t Fresno. Cal., cigar dealers have made a concerted move to rest the validity of the anti-slot machine gambling ordinance, which w. nt into • fleet the first of the year. Captain E. E. Caine, principal own cr of the schooner Minnie Caine, recently wrecked on Washington coast, has decided to abandon her to the ua derwriters in San Francisco. Negotiations of a tentative character have been opene.i by an English firm for the purchase of the British Cha:l l red South Africa Company’s copper properties in Rh* desia. Mayor-elect Schmitz of San Francisco has announced his first batch of appointments and his official troubles are about to begin. The labor men control most of the big departments. Rumors that a new theater is to be buili at San Francisco in the mar future have recently been revived, i and some credence is attached to, ' them, as coming from a reliable: sc ire?. The Pcrto Rican Legislative Assembly has adopted a joint resolution urging the establishment of a X'nit> 1 Mat s naval station in Porto Rican waters, ami offering to cede all land lequired. The Southern Pacific officials in I.os Angeles expect the Owl to be witched from the San Joaquin line | o the Coast road. Th proposed % *

fchange is said to have been under | ttmsiJitrration for some- time. f Montague Ivessier R « was elected ■ - (* ntr--- in thr- Seventh ii?tri : ■ N- > York. Jan 7 to succeed Nich ias Mailer iD.), r* s-gaed- H' beat ; Perry Belmont. th- regular Deraocrat-aa-iidate. by S>4 vote*. The most distr-ssing acrideat that ; -as taken pltc-. in this county for ; ar- o> < urr-at the N“gar.a»;~ M h m - Jan. 7 when, by a cavej in. the lives cf thirteen to seventeen l tn:n s a--, thought to have been lost I> p*;ty Con-’ii-Gerera! Haaauer at 1 I'rankf< n Germany, writes Europe's ! p-pulatioa is. according to official censuses tak--n in I!* " 1 and ■ i.bout persons. This is 1 ty ikik.koo of an increase above the • count in ISS*>. Prosecutions again'! all the big pa king-house concern? in the West for violation? of the provision of the i int-rstate commerce law against receiving pr-ferential rates are coni template d by the Interstate Com , merce Commission. John G. Carlisle, ex Secretary of Gie Treasury, was defendant in a suit .before Justice O’Dwyer in th“ City Court of Xew York Jan T.. in which i Richard F. Leake, a cabman, recov «-nd li't*"■ <lamag<s for false arrest ■ and imprisonment. Governor Dockery of Georgia wll j be request-.! to issue a requisition for ; the return to Missouri of Stewart ; Fife who has been arrested at North I > akima. Wash., for the murder of i Frank W. Richardson, who was shot ; and killed at his home on Christmas eve 1900. Colonel Samuel X. Hoyt, a veteran of two wars, a participant in various Indian campaigns, a California fortyniner and the intimate friend of Sam Houston. Kit Carson and other figures of the rough West of half a cen tury ago. died at Washington. D. C.. aged SI years. Full returns from the elections held in Cuba December 31st will not be in before the end of January. In all of the Cuban provinces, except the province of Puerto Principe, the Senators and Representatives will lie adh rents ot Thomas Estrada Palma, tae President elect of Cuba. The new owners of the North Pacific Coast Railroad of California have decided, -after considerable ’eitheration. not to incorporate a new company. They will instead take the places of the retiring owners on the board of directors of the North Pact tic Coast Railroad Company and thus assume the control and management of the railroad property. The Santa Ana Valley, Cal.. Walnut 1 Growers' Association, which controls more than half the output of the walnut crop of Santa Ana. has made public a statement of the season's work just closed. Seventy five carloads, or l.SiKi.brtO pounds of walnuts, have I been shipped out during the year, returning to the growers nearly $135.I "Ort. A local detective agency at Mex ico City claims to know the whereabout? of H J. Fleishman, the nllegi d absconding California banker. Jan Kubelik, the young violinist. .w as mobbed by women as he was taring tin* Brooklyn, N. Y.. Academy of Music after the concert Jan. 7. and before he could reach his car riage hi? clothes were almost torn 1 away. Women wanted to kiss him and wanted locks of his hair.