Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 500, 18 January 1902 — SIBYL SANDERSON TO BE MARRIED AGAIN [ARTICLE]

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NEW YORK. Jan 4 —The California singer. Sibyl Sanderson Terry was a passenger on the fast liner Kronprinz Wilhelm, which sailed foi E'.irop,- today. A large number of friends were at the dock to bid her goodby, and a number of beautiful 110-al pier es were presented to th. Indy jest before the vessel sailed. Count Fltzjauies was also a pas< ns r and confirmed the report that h" and the songstress were to marry, and said that the wedding would take p'ace in Paris during the latter part ;, f February The jcima donna would not talk about her engagement to the ! count, except to sav that had wished the ceremony to be performed iin this country, but was going to Paris in order tha; her mother might he present. “1 expect to return to the foiled States next winter. -h> said, "and will probably reappear in . grand opera ’