Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 500, 18 January 1902 — JUDGE ARTHUR NOYES IS DANGEROUSLY ILL [ARTICLE]

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SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. Judge Arthur H Noy s, of the United Stitcs District Conn tf Alaska, is critically ill at his apartments at the St Nicboi las Hotel, and nearly all last week j the physicians attending him despair|ed of his life. On Monday evening j last he was suddenly taken with a sc-; vere hemorrhage of the lung? while : chatting with friends, and for the r?»t jof the night his death was tnomen I tarlly expected. For most of the week ■he was in a comatose condition but yesterday his physicians rt perted a slight improvement, and said they ex peered, if the improvement continues, he should be able to leave his bed In the next week or ten days. Judge Noves is in the city as the defendant in sensational cent rant proceedings that have been pemPnc in the Circuit Court since September lasi. A decision in his case is ex ' pected now almost any day.