Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 500, 18 Ianuali 1902 — MRS. MORGAN GIVES NASTURTIUM LUNCH [ARTICLE]
IN HONOR OF DEPARTING LADIES Dainty Luncheon For Party of Si* , —Table Prettily Decorated with j Vaiie. Flower* and Ribbons in YeMow Color Scheme. V (-harming nasturtium luncheon given by Mrs .1 K Morgan yea- :» rday rjftcrno i; at li> r hotm un Em mi street. just tnauka of th- square. The luncheon was tfr-en 1° honor of \r- s L« ving-’i !i About four months ago Miss Livingston. Miss Bessie Church. Miss Mabel Jones. Miss Eva Dennis and Mrs. J F. Moran made tb>- tr.r fiom the Coast to M - city together in t: Ventura, and as the young ladies are to dspart for the Coast on tin* Sierra m January .'1 the luncheon was sort of a far--well gath-'rir.g. The lunch table which was s®t tor >ix, was very prettily decorated ;n \ >l!ow witn ferns and flowers nr Mur Hums prevailing # From the chande>er which had been decorat’d with swt et smelling mail® and Chinese j oranges, yellow ribbons were arrang e.l as streamers down to the table.) The dicing room had been decorat-j • d as well with greens and flowers, a number of wooden plaques with ■ yrographically engraved mottoes, »hit fly from Omar Khayam being especially noticeable. These were the work of Miss Leviagston. At each cover was placed a tiny basket w ith bonbons intended as a souvenir ol the occasion. The following ladies were present: Miss S Levingstcn. Mis* Bessie Church. Miss Mabel Jones. Miss Eva Jones Mrs. W H. Hoops and Mrs. J. F Morgan