Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 500, 18 January 1902 — INDOOR BASEBALL GAME. [ARTICLE]
Mails llimas and Intermediates Will Way at Y. M. C. A. Gymnasium. • There will be a game of indoor base iall played tomorrow evening at 7:30 sharp in the Y. M. C A- gymnasium The game will be between the Evening Cla*s and the Intermediates, the teams being composed as follows: riston; pitcher. Den Falvejr; first ! l>ase. John (Market second base. H. Sheldon; third base. J. Alameda i-hotstop, Ben Clarke: right field. A Ulaokmtn: center field. C. Jenkins, and left field. Gomes. Intermediates: Catcher. A. M. Keoho; pitcher. Will Kerr; first base. T McGoira; second base. C (TUli land,. short stop. Tom Evans; '^ht' fi«W. J. Schurman. left field. Paul Pierre.