Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 500, 18 January 1902 — MINI ENTOMBED IN THE MICHIGAN MINE [ARTICLE]
NBGAVNEE iMica.t. January 7. — •The most distressing ac idem that has taken place in this county for years occurred at the Nekanne mine today at noon. when, by a caie-in. the live* of thirteen to seventeen miners are thought to have been lost. The cave-in was at the bottom of the oid shaft. Had it occurred half an hoar sooner about 150 men would have been kiied. The natn»-s of the dead, so fat as known, are: Wiiliarn Williams. John Sullivan. John Pascoe. John Pearce. Jacob Hun ialla. Thus far but one body has been taken out, that of Hunialla. and one man was rescued alive. it is thought the other bodies cannot be reached within twenty-four hours.