Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 500, 18 January 1902 — FUNSTON MAY COMMAND IN CALIFORNIA [ARTICLE]

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SAX FRANCISCO. Jan. g.—BriuidiervGeneral Frederick Funstou. who Is expected to arrive here on the Warren tomorrow, returns after long and gallant service in the Philippines, so that his nest service will doubtless be in the United Slates itself, possibly in command of the Department of California. It la customary to assign officers to a home command after they have served as long in the Philippines as General Funston has, and the retirement of General Otis in Starch and General Brooke in July will leave vacancies, one of which

* n»ar be Ailed up aoc*-where along the Hue by General Fncsroo The ftieoda of Gen eraJ rovtos here are hoping that hi this general shake-op aciocg the genera! offlcers of the army the Depart meat of California will fail to him.