Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 500, 18 January 1902 — POPULATION OF UNITED STATES FROM CENSUS [ARTICLE]

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Country's Total Now Raised to Eighty-Fonr Millions. NEW POSSESSIONS USO REPOBI United States Now Fourth Country of the World in Population. Nearly Seven Million Included in the Philippines—China Heads the L:st With Great Britain Next and RgESia Third—France and Her Dependencies Rated Fifth Place. WASHINGTON, Jan. T.—The Cen Bur an today issued a report saying that the population of the entire I'nited States, including all outlying pos9<s*lons. was W. 233.059 in the census year 1900. This is itemized •>.* f. Mow- Continental United Stat-s, ■,r United States proper. 75.99-1.575; Philippines. O.tdit.’r.l*; Porto Rico, 953,243: Hawaii. 154.001; Alaska. 03.592: Guam. 9000; American Samoa. *>liKl; persons in the military ami aval service of the United States outbid of the Territory of the United States proper. 91.219. These figures are based on the enumeration of June 1. 19i*u. Th* figures fgr Porto Rico were tak*'n from the census of 1K99, made by the War Department in conjunc t>on with th“ Census Office. The figuri s for Hawaii and Alaska and for persons abroad in the military and naval services are from the results of the twelfth census. Those from Guam art au es.imate made .n a report made to the War Depart meat, and those from Samoa an estimate reported to the Census Office by the Acting Secretary of th L Navy, The total population of the Unit'll States at the close of the nineteenth century was about 84.250.00 h. As the population of the United States at the beginning of the een tun- was about five and a third tuillicn.-. th.- Nation has grown nearly ; i.\tecu fold in 100 years. There are but three countries which now have a greater population than the United States, namely. Chira. the British empire and the Russian empire. China and the British empire have earn of them probably 350.000,000 and 400.000.000, or togetbet nearly one-half of the total popula •mi of the earth. The Russian empire, with about 1317*00,000 people, has m re than half as many again as the United States, and has been increasing during the century just dos d with greater rapidity thau any other European power. Its growth, ike that of the United Slut s. has ’.teen partly through the natural inriase of its population and partly through gr»aT accessions of territory. It had about 38.800.00" people ift 18')0, anti has increased more thau three and a half times during the nineteenth century. France, including its dependencies. is th‘- fifth country - of the wur’d in order ef population and has about '■S.kkk.oOO. or a’most the sam-* num b- • th ■ United State.-. Of these over 25.000.000 are in African dependent'! s. nearly 17.000,000 in Asia and 2.000.000 in Madagascar These five most populous countries together include over two thirds of the estimated gopulation of the world, which is placed by the best authjrlties at between 1.500,066,660 au 11. kOo.OO'V ••00.