Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 500, 18 Ianuali 1902 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
\ movement is on foot in New York to raise a pur?,. u f *20.000 for Wilbur h \\ akeman. who ha? Just boon-turn-o,t out of the office of appraiser there by President Roosevelt. ,\ uv suo h mistaken action will be a severe blow to the protective tariff polit y Wakeman has been secretary of the American Tariff League for many years, and at the instigation of its members h- was appointed appraiser, so as to administer the Dl mtley tariff law on strictly protective lines He has done this so vigorously as to call forth protests from importers, and the decisions have been, as often as not. against the Federal official. More than one scandal has originated in his office and no* the Tariff League men propose to raise a purse fur Wakcaian. who for years has been drawing two salaries, in the aggregate as much as a Cabinet officer, one from the Tariff League and one from the National treasury Wake4an has acquired valuable property
in the heart of New York quite recently. and baa bad bsa full modicum of public pap.