Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 500, 18 January 1902 — HOME RULERS ELECT NEW COMMITTEEMEN [ARTICLE]

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LONG MEETING AND MUCH TALK Vacancies Are Pilled by Kentwell, Jores. Pipikane a"d Markham— By-laws for Primaries Considered —Nothing o«fnite Arrived At There was a meeting of tht weru live committee of the Home RuN Republican party in Fester Hail la=t evening for the election of number* to fill vacancies on the c mmitt • and for the purpose of discussing aaii formulating by laws for the primaries at the next election. The matter of filling vacancies on the committee was first taken up There were four members to be elected and. after a vast amount of argn ment. L. K. Kentwell. W. B JoneG. W. Pipikane and George Markham were announced as the new member*. The mat*er of formulating by-laws for conducting primaries occupied a great of time b-*ijg the suhj ■ for exhaustive discussion. Nothing definite was arrived at concerning the primaries. It was 11 o'clock when the meeting adjourned