Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 500, 18 January 1902 — FRITZ WILHELM AND DR. ST. D. G. WALTERS SERIOUSLY INJURED [ARTICLE]

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ONE ACCIDENT CAUSE OF ANOTHER Two Cases of Caocuss-an of Brain Follow to Rapid Succession — Doctor Thrown From H: rse After Attending His Patient Fnti Wilhe'm—Botn May Prove Fatal. ■» Two serious accidents occurred at a late hour last night. within a short time of each other and one was the indirect cause of the other. While alighting from a Kmc street horse-car at Keeanmoku street, about to go to his aome on Young and Keeanmoku streets. Frill Wilhelm, i the contractor and builder, slipped and fell heavily to the ground, two buggies. which were fast following the street- ar. passing over the prosirate man before he had a chance to get out of the way. It was dark at the time and the second buggy was so close behind the first that there was apparently no opportunity to avoid a second running-over. Wilhelm’s Serious Inqury. Mr. Wilhelm was \»ry seriously injured and was removed with all haste to his home. Dr. St. D. G Walters was immediately summoned The doctor lives on King street, net far from the Wilhelm residence, and quickly responded. It was found that Mr. Wilhelm had sustained concus sion oi the brain and was otherwise badly burt. Dr. Walters, who had answered the summons on horseback, after doing what he could for Mr. Wilhelm, rode to announce the news of the accident to a daughter of Mr. Wilhelm. It was while returning from summoning the daughter that Dr. Waiters, while passing the German church on Beretania street, met with an accident which may prove fatal. His horse-is supposed to have slipped on Hie cat track. Dr. Walters was thrown some distance, striking his head on the curb-stone. Doctor Found Unconscious. The doctor was found lying uacon scions in the r ad by Mounted Patrol man Bortfeld who at once galloped to the Central Fire Station and tehphoned the police station for the patrol wagon. In The raeanwnile, however. Dr Walters was removed in a hack to his li-’me. Drs. Cooper and Herbert were summoned and discovered that Dr. Wa! ters had sustained concussion of the btain and a few minor injuries. Conditions Are Serious. Both Dr. Walters and Mr. Wiloelm are in a most serious condition and but little hope is held out for their recovery. Drs, Cooper and Herbert also attended Mr. Wilhelm. The Walters and Wilhelm homes ere within a block of each other. One accident occurred as th“ rep.ilt of alighting from a car. Tap other was the result of a horse slipping on the car track. I>r. Walters’ teh phone number is Blue. 1731. Mr. Wilhelm’s telephone number is While 1731. It i was about ten minutes before midnight. Friday, when the mounted patrolman found Dr. Walt rs injured and unconscious.