Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 499, 17 January 1902 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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DwiuM ia line eoinmn mfl ha married at 10 cfU • Jwae frit v^irrtiam; 3 cants a hma i«W mi *r tram; 25 cewta par Una par week; 33 cr»t* par Itna two ifrtii. cmW 50 («Xj par hwe par month. WANTED, WANTED —To w* l . *o«ae do* white Diamond hues: also tine o?wi nan; rra- ; sooabte prmi Watchew repared as i.se. G. Putt. watchmaker and jewihr. For: st, near Hotel. m Ppwwt'i •tor*. WANTED—Girts to <h> laundry work. Apply Saa'ary Steam I-auudrj. Kswaiahao aai S-'utb streets. wanted —Two gentlemen ; - sire rcotns and good table board ! either in house or cottage near, m us* not be far from business portion of city. Expect to remain permanently if satisfactory and rates reasonable Address A B. Republican Office. FOR RENT. ROOMS FOR RENT—Helen - C Private hot-1. Adams l.aae. room.' with or without board Phon White 2461. M Levy. Manag- r A splendidly furnished room with excellent board for two gentlemen. Centrally locate.! -very convenience Apply at this office FOR RENT—A furnished c r* s . f seven (T> rooms on Kinau stre-t. For particulars, apply this offi •: TO LET —De'. gh'fu! roomy bath tubs, with either hot or cold water, and every Improvement and conven; ace known to the modern age —At Silent Barb- - Sh :p. I 'TO LET —Nearly furnished doubt# parlors; also poems. Bcrviania ave., cor. Keav.moku. FOR RENT —An eight room cot:ag« on Young street. Apply J. A. Ml goon. M a goon building. COMFORTABLE COTTAGES ON -he preru;«-s of the Sanitary Steam I.ann dry Co. Ltd.. M arm ion and South stnvta Tile oattages rontair. 4 room*, kitchen and hath room. No eitra charge for hot and cold water and electric lights. Rent reasonable. Apply on the premi«es to J. Ligfctfoot, manager.

Fred iliimsiiii Contractor and Builder. Jobbing Promptly Attended Is H. HRMMO Japanese Importer of Products . . Provisions and Wines . . Cor. King and Smith Streets I*l lON K I . I i I I I I I \\ \ i I I 1 I i\ i i r Kiuen Chong Co. Manufacturers of All Kinds of BISCUITS. CRACKERS. HARO TACK. RICE HANDLED. —Large Importers of Flour. Groceries, Fruit and Vegetables. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 120 KING STREET. P. O. Box 972. Phone. White 301. WHY WT aur THE BEST? It COSTS NO MORE *2. ■ v Eureka Wickless Blue Flame OIL STOVES •old «ua sOcsraa'.M Kerosene and Gasoline Wickless Stones —FOR SALE AT THE— Hawaiian Hardware Co. ltd FORT STREET. ♦ Bus!sees men w-.M tell you ♦ that an ad in The Republic- 4 ♦ an briofs food malts be- ♦ ♦ cause the people r.sd it #