Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 499, 17 January 1902 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
It Pays to Get the No matter what you art buying it always pays to get the best. Th<* rule holds good in ether things as well. It pays to patron.re the best laundry as it will always give you t*i e most for your money. In this case it is the most satisfaction and the least wear to youn Clothes. You are saving money as surely when you boy good a-“-sr, work as in any other com modity. Saiiiliin Steam laiiniln Co. • • Wt LIMITED. California Harness Btiop Fort Street. Opposite Club Stables. nfINUMO-URCKi of \\mm REPAIRING A Specialty D. O. HAMMAN. /Vndrew (Jsher Co.’s . SPKCIAI. RESKKVE SCOTCH WHISKEY '' NONE EQUAL " W. O. F=EAOOOK & 00.. SOLE AGENTS. t * 4 •>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>»>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*» A I : The Coyne J ... M -V ‘ . ' : Furniture Co.,P^l a IS OFFERING SOME * BEAFTIFFL BEDROOM SETS AT £ HOLIDAY PRICES. A * In WHITE MAPLE. BIRDSEYE * MAPLE, OAK, MAHOGANY. a ASH. ELM and PINE. B -■ V. I Alt V ■ - r ■ j The Ulock. TORT STREET « •4 < <<<<<<<<<« <4<<<<<<<<C<«<«<<<<«<<«<<«<<<<<«<<«<«• CONDON’S NIGHT PATROLRELIABLE WATCHMEN FUBHISHED FOB Buildings, Business Property AND Residences ALSO Ships and flacks »m» m uwimw 2 I i! Rates Reasonable PHONE BLUE 1211. OFFICE: 1249 FORT STREET. * i A A The efficiency, brilliancy, penetrating power ami general -atisfaetion, which our new enclosed type of ARC LI'IUTS arc giving recommend them to the merchant a- the best light f *r store use. J» A* J» Mr. C. C. Eakin. of the Imperial Cigar Store, has been using the new arc light for some time, and says: "I fir-1 ligli: 2 no other.’’ A 444 A"• " - i S We Inmany such opini ns a> thi<. tint the light i- < ■ J greatest recommendation. Can t>»- seen at Manufacturing Sh Nb S C". W. W. D»m*">nd’s. («!>•}•« C ;:::ng St - and •»>, • • a: *5 further iuf< •nn.von a* 1 Ire," : The Hawaiian Electric Go.. Ltd. A A Ivinjr Street Xcar Alakoa. g « * « H V rwttmtc ototcomtitrc * E. W. QUINN Sang Chaa plumber Merchant Tailor TWO STORES. Estimates furnished on First-Class .. .. „ . . No. M HotH opp. New England B»i Modem Plumbing. try. and Hotel street, opp. Tbs Patronagn of Owners. Arckl Hoffman Saloon. tecta and Builders Solicited. P O Bos ICS. Suits, Mads t» Order in the Latest •tylea. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. 115 Union 9l Clothi-g Cleared, Dyed and Renamed