Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 499, 17 Ianuali 1902 — Berreys Commercial [Illegible] [ARTICLE]
Berreys Commercial [Illegible]
A REVIEW m the past fortnight in financial ’ ires reveal* very little change in the market: rv.< ney > ell he!<l tightly, al- ■' i- a better g dsdng i i .. bankers tod 1 capital:*:-. As regard* the •ut; k f tiring* generally. we • ! av>- v. vathered U:t hafd time-' in tr> •’ shat* -:rv! * present time, and r: v all arc grinding in earn *t an ; -ag tr carg ?e* are being rapidly forwarded to market. Three -ii the local banking institati n* r.av. ■ c». that their receipt* over the counter in the nature of dtp -it' r the year 1901 aggregate $98,451,839.18 With two hanking rnsti?-:;: yet t-< be heard front. Honolulu reed not V ashamed of her cnmnercia! { regress. ' -1" Company has at last secured a large loan, winch will • the Company to harvest its crop and continue planting open* tioris. It is expected that the Co:::par;. wril - ; r.v ver from its temporary embarrassment. Sugar ' ar ■> ha' s wn mt*-. ;ng - ■ 1 •’ ; .a t v fa' rite. hotn paid-up an : assc-sabh -hares having ad. anced tv points since the ill is working to perfection and the making an excellent showing. Oahu changed hand' at Ninety-seven and a half; Waialoa sid at Fifty-six. and Ewa has declined to Twenty - three and a quarter: Honomu sale* have !*.«.n made at 'hie Hundred and Thirtv; Onotnea at Twenty-three. and Kihe: at Ten IXdlars per share. Then ha* h.-.-n cun*iderahle acti\:ty ;n li -■ v Rapid I ransit and Land C mpam *t ck at Ninety; a lev dare- law l«een sold a* •high a- N’inet\ -two andi a halt. Ihe b :ai receipt- >f the system already in operation, for December. am- 4 in tv.! *0 over i mrteen Thousand its This is a gain of ••ver Three Thousand D dlars f r any prev! ins month since t!ie system ha* l>een in 01*. rat: n. Inter-Island -hares have sold at Sixty Dollars. 1 lie present qui>tatiotis of this stock are; Fifty-seven and a half bid. Sixty-rive asked. There have been very few sales of bond* record* i during the past two weeks. There :* nothing new to rej)ort in the Real E-tate market. Tlie mortgage indebtedness -t the Islam - increase'! during 1901. $d445>9474°- . , . , . The mortgage indebtedness lias increased since our last report. 513.101.77. The following instruments have been filed since our last report; Deeds 54 * 51.506.75 Mortgages 33 i.565.^ Chattel Mortgages 4 12.598.7. Leases 27 Releases 23 64.7fi4.00 Assignment of Mortgage 3 Power of Attorney 3 Bills 01 Sale 7 Agreements 2 Affidavits - Mortgage No per cent 29 65.267.00 Total 5 77.865.77 SALES FROM THE HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. 5 shares H. R. T. & L. Co.. $92.50. 48 shares Oahu. $97.50. 4h shares H. R. T. &L. Co.. $90.00. 10 shares Oahu. S9S.O«. 8 shares Haw n Sugar. $28.00. 1" shares Oahu $97."w 100 shares Ewa. $23.25 20 shares Oahu. $95."0. 15 shares Ewa. $23.50. SALES OF HAWAIIAN STOCKS AND BONDS ON S. F. STOCK EXCHANGE. 120 shares Paauhau. $lO 25. 20 shares Haw n C & S. Co.. $34.0n. 35 shares Onomea S. Co.. $23.00. 30 shares Honokaa S. C.. slo."rt. 50 shares Makawell. $26.50. 10 shares Honokaa S. Co.. slu.l2F>. 25 shares Makawell $27.00. 130 shares Hutchinson S.P. C. $14.25. , 1000 shares Haw n C. & S. Co.. $99.75. EXCHANGE. Following are the current rates of exchange to the caimtr'.cs named— Jold Basis:— Pacific Coast. 30 cents per $lOO. Canada, 50 cents per $lOO. Atlantic Coast. 50 cents per $lOO. London. $4.89 per Pound Sterling I/cndon, Sixty Days, $4.86 per Pound Sterling France. 5.10 francs per Dollar. Frankfort. Germany. 24 1 -.* per Mark. Auckland and Sydney. $4.95 per Pound Sterling. Hongkong. 45 21-32 per Mexican Dollar. Amoy. 47 \ per Mexican Dollar. Singapore and Shanghai. 47 3 .» per Mexican Dollar. Yokohama, 50 per Jap. Yen. Manila. Iloilo. P. 1.. 47 3 » per Mexican Dollar. Hiogo, Kobe. Nagasaki, 50 per Jap. Yen. ACTIONS BROUGHT IN SECOND DISTRICT COURT. lame* 1.. Cuke vs. Eugene Dcvanchellc. assump.: judgt for pltt. 531.29. Lee Row v*. Lee Cliau Vong lan. assump.; judgt for pltf.. $57.84, J. J. Byrne vs. A. R. Hancock and Matclle E. Hancock, assump. \V. C. Achi vs. T. C. Polikapa. John Kanui. Win. K. Kaleikuia. J. Keaw, D. W. Kamaliikana. H. H. Kehua. doing business as Ka Loca Kalaiaina: assump.. judgt. for pltf, $264.51. Chas. E. Moore vs. C. J. Holt. as*urap.: judgt. for pltf.. $50.01. W. \V. W right vs. Territory Stables, assump. Lee Yun Kwai vs. C. Sing Kee. assump. W. FI. Johnson vs. Territory Stable s.Ltd., assump.: judgt. for deft.. $15.70. Susan K. N'ye v*. Loo Joe. assump.; judgt. for pltf.. 597.16. Henry W. Howard vs. Frank Beverley, assump. J. E. Fullerton vs. H. Klemmc. H. E. Peterson, assump. Vick Sang vs. Lee JumCjicong, assump. i Chew King Sun. And lioy, doing business at W o Ta: G>.. vs. Lung Ton, assump. P. J. Travens vs. David Kupihea. assump.: judgt. h r pltf., $122.10. W. W. Wright vs. Thomas N'ott. J. A. Mag'on gar.; judgt. for pltf.. 5157.30. \! J. Martins vs. J. M. \ iva*. a**ump.; judgt. f r plan.. $285.20. S. Kuhey v* C. H. Brown, assump. Matsnguma Jikichi vs. A. M. Brown, replevin. ti C. Middle-ditch vs. Kailhnai. assump.: judgt. f r pltf.. $104.30 1 m* & McTighe y*. J. E. Jardrii. assump.; judgt. f-r pltf., 558.45. BUILDING PERMITS. !?. Craig. 1 -sti ry cottage, cor. F’iikoi. 1204 Mat'vck ave.. $4,500. . o .n Carriage Mfg. G>.. I-story office. 424 So. Queen St. Yee W • Chan. r-stor\ kitchen. 1020 Xuuanu S;.. $175. i! C. stable. 704 Hustace St. Kur-.atr to. 1 -story store. 2440 Bcretanra St. N*. K. Sin;-the. remodeling building. 1696 E. Punchbowl St. Yamamoto, addition to building. 1216 Bcretania St. il ILm ado. addition to store, 422 Liliha St.. $155 T» ng Kan. remodeling building. 33 King Si.. $6O. T. O. Kunmra, building lanai on church building. N’uuarn and Knktii St* . $l2O. Twakami X Co., erecting shed. mauka side Flore! St. Vikii Sin Eat. 3-story wooden building. 1240 Berctania lane.