Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 499, 17 Ianuali 1902 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
wf. u pItSUASSES SPEXYf£\iE.S RIGHT—I!'<7 RIGHT. * * * 5 > an*l ~.t tl.eirs Ki„ :— J- * R>ghi. W c nt t ■> ■ *!d eve? t** give better - pres m evr sight. We h: g!a". » : -.•'r.ng eye? f*>r the removal of esc-strain ami attendant evils. Frames R: z<" Lenses Right. Treatr;eu- Right. Prices Right. RIGHT OLR W AV. please. Fa” -r\ the premis s. A. M. SANFORD, B ston Bai!dleg. Fort street. -THE \VoUo\iVi\aW fIEVIS Tba Tri-Weekly Leading Newspaper. Best Jsb Printing it Lowest Prices. Second Great Clearance Sale This week we shall throw oar entire stock of 0 LADIES WASHABLE SKIRTS on our counters, to be sold at cos: or less. We do no: believe that any la.iy who visited our Vuxiin Underwear Sale last w* - was i i appointed in the bargains offered or can say that the Sale did not carry oat the promises cade in our adTertlsetn*‘nts. We give von o«" word that the values offered this week will be etjuaily as great, and that this is an opportunity not to be passed by. These Skirts ar> .-'it bv skill*?! men tailors gr it trimmed. They are of Crash. Khaki. Denim Dock. Linen ani P:q-i--and are both white and colored. They arc sold so cheaply that w cannot afford to make alterations r. Skirts -V t- - SaK but there is a great variety of >ii s and lengths an i aim -t ever, one can be fitted. Prices begin at 2S cents as i go to I" •>"*. with all prices be«» -a the greatest bargains however, being between J l . ani SILK PETTICOATS. We shaii put in with this Sale a few J* ■ itiful Pure S >k Crlorad Petticoats, which we cave mark : at exact cost. There are only a limited number of them and they will probably ai! b- sold .-a the first day of the Sale—hence better be quick. WHITNEY & MAESH, LTD. Proprietor, - Editor, - - - dr. x miTAsrcßa ... T. K.IMURA 3 OFFICE; River Street near Beretania Bridge. P. O. Box 812. Tel. White 64L Claus Spreckels & Co. Bankers H.T HONOLULU. San Francisco Agents The Nevada National Bank of San Francisco. OUR CROW FOR 1902 HIES DRAW EXCHANGE ON SAN FRANCISCO—The Nevada Na tional Bank of San Francisco. LONDON—The Union Bank of London, Ltd. NEW YORK —American Exchange National Bank. CHICAGO Merchants National Bank. PARIS —Credit Lyonnais. BERLIN —Dresden Bank. HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA— The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA —Bank of New Zealand VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER— Bank of British North America. 3 N B H H H H H H 3 H H H H A boy once wrote: “I luv a rooster fer tew things—one I* the krow that iz in him. and the other is the spurs that air on him to bak up his crow with." • • • We admit having crowed often and loud, but we ha%> the "spur* to back up the krow ” « ■ W M M «* X 9 M 9 M 9 * & B We sell Groceries. pure and wholesome H. MAY & CO., Ltd. Bostonjßloek. Telephones, 22, 24, 92. Fort Street. P. (). Box 386. X : * X X W X M M n K M 9 - M M *• M X m § *WrrTTT»XXXXXXXXXXXXXX3XXXXXX:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTX2X>» TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. Deposits Received. Loans Made on Approved Security. Commercial and Travelers' Credit Issued. Bills of Exchange Boueht and Sold. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ACCOUNTED FOR. ' - r %'• - F RESK MILK “ CREAM BUTTER YOU ENJOY IT; YOU NEED IT, TOO. PRIMO LAGER lias all the wonderful tonic properties of pure hops and malt. Absolutely pure and properly aged. Order a trial case from the Brewery, TELEPHONE MAIN 341. DELIVERED FREE IN CITY. < t i i BUTTER MILK Delivered twice daily to any part •5* the town. pr THE The Drawing Room Of one’s house betrays whatever refinement and good taste there is in its adornment to the casual visitor. A VISIT to our store will convince any one of the excellence of our stock and the reasonableness of our prices. I, H. Williams, 1 146-1 148 FORT STREET. §£}i iat i g g Star DAIRY UnlOll” GaS EMS When ordering ring up BLUE 3171. A. B. DOAK. - Manager City office, phone Main 391, P. O. Box 22. OAHU RAILWAI m UNO CO n STATIONARY "2 MARINE-^ Agents von Hamm-Young Co., Ltd. TIME TABLE From and After January 1, 1001 QTTTT'NT STREET, MAIN 276. Stadcnx. Honolulu . City : tnXU) ’ Waiani.e : Walalu* Car-.oia OfTWa&P Daily Daily Dally Dally Dally ex Sua a a an »:10 9.15 i.<33 »-t? 133 10 M iOM UJ4 UJI «x 8u« a in pm U?B 3:JS II :40 J^T u jo < -os «.as »so «a* p m S.'O *.» •a inward SKIRTS and CHEMISES Made u> Order aad K«*p» DRESSMAKING! Good Fit Guaranteed. Beat Workman ship. Lowest Price*. Ladies’Underwear ■■* c* IHJJ M*. ui 0 3 0 Wm. G. Irwin.. President A Hbcpt Claus Sprerk*!*. First Vic* P'Wl'M W. M Giffard. .Second Vice H. M Whitney. Jr... Tress. and SoC*j 000 Sugar Factors —AN3— Commission Agents, 000 AGENTS FOR THE Oceanic S. S. Co. Of im Fraocieca Cal. L.J QIIM amn • OUlsj Near Paaaft! St. SEATTLE BEERII )t n • On Draught or in at th« "CRITERION" I