Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 499, 17 January 1902 — YOUNG PEOPLE'S ENDEAVOR SOCIETY [ARTICLE]

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PLEASURE FOLLOWED BUSINESS Fi>-»t Series o* Monthly Gatherings Held Last Evening Christian Endeavorers Reported in Thriy. mg Condition. The first of a series of monthly rustr.'ss an;', sooai gatherings given ;nder the auspices of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor iif the Christian Church w«s held at the church on Alakea street yesterday evening; . The organisation was reported as "ONtanily growing la numbers and in strength At a society, the Kn • eaeoeers arere enrolled in the ranks

| of ! V powerful factors for good, now' i existing in the commnnity. \s :rodabi’;ry is justly cons; i-re-d . ‘ cn** of the fundamental principles of j the Eni‘-avor work the meeting soo® 1 T'<cy.rr ] t*elf -nto a delightful - taJ 1 session. The evening hoars w*»rej , pleasantly whli*»d away in converse i , and la games. I) Before the members and gn departed for 'he;r tb*y wer» to rite-1 to partake of a tempting array [i c{ light nts. deftly ? *rved by a committee of ladi*** The second social will be Wd the first part of February.