Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 499, 17 Ianuali 1902 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Orpheoni Theatre EVERY EVENING. 8:15 SHARP BIR6IIN MATINEE SATURDAY 2:30 P. M. LEE and RIALS World's Entertainers WILL CHANGE PROGRAMME THURSDAY NIGHT PRICES: Reserved Seats. $1; Gallery. ssoc. Children. 25c: Adults. 50c. to the Matinee. DO NOT BE DECEIVED 1 Drink no substitute for KOMEL the pure juice of the grape fruit. Carbonated only by the CONSOLIDATED Soda Water Works Co., ltd. Sole Agts. for the Territory of Hawaii, 601 Fort St.. Honolulu. T. H. Tel. 71 Main. Island orders solicited. Buy Only That Which you can enjoy drinking, such as Old Blackthorne Whiskey This whiskey is distilled from selected grain, is warranted pure and unadulterated, is highly recommended for its medicinal properties. purity guaranteed. ALSO Old Cremone Bourbon Whiskey Bottled especially for J. Hartmann & Co., ltd Wholesale Liquor Merchants. Waverley Block. Bethel Street. PHONE 219. I i Fresh Flower A M>S?I L Just Arrived. * All Varieties The Hollister Drug Co., LIMITEDfort STREET. The Mew England Bakery Is loaded up with Good Things Shanghai SiLI^S From 50c to 53.00 PEK YARD \r The PHONG FAT CO. 33 Kin sc Street. THESE ARE THE FINEST GOODS EVER SHOWN IN HONOLULU. LARGE VARIETIES OF LINEN AND GRASS TEA CLOTHS IN STOCK. SCOTCH SHORT BREAD CAKES, ALL SIZES, PRICES and STYLES. PIES juet like your Mother u 1 to make. j Cookies. Macaroons. Lady Fingera, Cream Puffs and all the dainty styles suitable for Christmas. TONS OF PURE CANDY 1 from cheap grade for children up , to better grades for 50 cents We { can furnish you a box of delicious i candle- —worth a dollar elsewh-re. —Don’t forget! J. OSWALD LOTTED, PHONE 74. MANAGER. The Pa cific Hardware Co., Ltd. | ALSO SOME MORE A Shipmdttt oi Michigan Stoves and Ranges. AND ANOTHER INVOICE of „ I-' avorite Keep one at your bedside and throw light on the burglar “ when he comes a burgling.” Garlands AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL. j