Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 499, 17 January 1902 — ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. [ARTICLE]

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The undersigned having been duly appointed Administrator of the Estate of Alonzo Kalua Kuhia. deceased, late of Honolulu. Oahu. notW herebygiven to all persons having claims against said Estatf to present them duly authenticated, to the undersign ed within six months from date here of or they will be forever barr i and all persons indebted to the said Estate are requests to make immediate payment to me at Honolulu. Oahu, or to X. Fernandez. Esq. at bis office No. 208 Merchant street. Campbell Block. kemalia kuhia. Administrator Estate of Alonzo Kalua Kuhia. deceased, i December 23. 1901.