Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 499, 17 January 1902 — MAINLAND PERSONALS [ARTICLE]

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After forty six years of continuous service as a school principal. J. D. Stratton of Springfield, Mass., has resinged. Edison, when he is deeply absorbed in work, consumes about twenty cigars a day. and when not busy about t« n. The Rev. Campbell Brown of West Virginia has declined the office of Episcopal Bishop of Porto Rico, to which he was recently elected. William Marconi is now on the sea bound for Newfoundland, where he will select sites for the erection of stations for his system of wireless telegraphy. Rev. Wilmer P. Bird is about to take up work with Bishop Henry C. Potter in the Diocese of New York anti has resigned as canon percenter of the Cathedral of Garden City. A Rente dispatch announces that Mgr. Scalabrini. Archbishop of Piacenza. who recently returned from a visit to the Tailed States, will be appointed Apostolic Delegate at Washington. Captain Nicholas Dand, one of the survivors of Farragafs famous fleet, was given a medal of honor by the Society of Karragufs Veterans at a dinner on Thanksgiving Day in Brooklyn. Miss Clara Barton has again succeeded herself as president of the Red Cross society, without political pull or any influence other than her own merit and the good will of the American public. Prof. Robert Craik. who has been connected with the McGill University. Montreal, for over half a century, is about to resign as dean of the faculty of medicine and accept a seat on the Board of Governors. Lieut. Col Schebeko. Military Agent of the Russian Embassy at Washington, has been appointed to the Russian Embassy at Berlin. Lieut. Col. Agaplejeff will succeed Lieut Col Schebeko at Washington. Dr See. of the United States Naval Observatory in Washington. D C. has just concluded a measurement of the planet Mercury with the large telescope of that institution. Its diam-ter is found to be 265 S miles. Mrs Octavia Dancy, of St. Louis, served her turkey Thanksgiving day on a platter 400 years old. It was brought to America in IT'to by John dc la Pryme, in whose family it had already been for mor- than 2(*o y-rars. General Nelson A. Miles has just been presented by the Government with two handsome bay coach horses to be kept at army headquarters in Washington and to be used esclu sively for carriage work by the general. A. R Peacock, a millionaire steel manufacturer of Pittsburg, recently visited two old friends in Somerville. N. J . and purchased for each of them a fine house and tot on one of the best residence streets in the town Prof Henry !>>favour of Williams College was on Saturday chosen President of the new Simmons College of Boston. Professor L- favour was graduated from Williams in ISS3. and has spent nearly all bis teach mg life there. Dr Stafford, on ta* occasion of his appointment as pastor of St. Patricks church in Washington several days ago. was presented with a magnificent Madonna painted by Glovan ni Metsolini of Genoa. Italy, wh’ch he will install in his church. Rev Edward Everett Hale of Boston was asked by a newspaper to write an article on how he keeps at work despite his age. He wrote the*

article and said it was because he had religious faith, and the article was rejected. Mrs. Edyth Lozier Weathered, of Oregon is in New York on h«r way to the South Carolina Exp sition as a commissioner, and is also interesting Ea-t-m people in Oregon's celebration in 1893. She is arranging for a party of about two hundred prominent newspap-r men of the East to visit Oregon next July. Mi-- Dorothea K'umpke, the Chicago astronomer, who has been assistant in the Paris, France, observatory for fifteen years, is rapidly completing arrangement* to return to the United States, where she will have special charge of astral-photo-graphy at Stanford University, n California.