Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 499, 17 January 1902 — CAMPBELL REPORTS ON IMPROVEMENTS [ARTICLE]
NEW BRIDGES BEING ERECTED. Walker Did Not Overestimate the Damage* Dene by F!cod*—Travel Between Papaa'.oa and Laupaheehoe Will be Open Soon. ' As«d«*ant Superict-r.'-.cr.t of Public Works Mansion Campbell has written to Superintendent J. H. Boyd concerning new bridges and oth-r improvements on Hawaii. The letter is dated Papaaloa January 14lh and is a? follows ; St-am-r Maui arrived Sundae morning at Laupahoehoe and discharged the large timber. The balance and iron are being discharged at Papaaioa. Work has actively begun on the framing and by end of this week travel will be open between this place and Laupahoehoe. Will leave here for Hilo Wednesday morning and complete business there. Friday will leave on Kinau for Maui. 'lt is impossible to get to Waimea by team, so have sent word to Mr. Boyd to meet me at Kawaihae. Mr. Walker did not exaggerate the '•ondition of the road from Honohina to Laupahoehoe. The entire top coating of macadam has been w-ashed away and it at present resembles a ' ordtiroy road. The caves and slides on the Laupahoehoe pali are very -■ -'ere. in places completely blocking the roadway, in several places it was necessary to build extensive retaining walls, it will take a couple of month*' hard work to repair all the breaks and place th- road in its former condition. "Work on the section from Ookala to laupahoehoe is going along nicely. There is a lack of labor (he entire district, which makes it very hard to get labor for the roadwork. "The cause of the washouts was the small size of (he culverts. The cret ks brought down large quantities f driftwood and debris of ali kinds, which dammed up the openings and caused the water to rise so it flowed over the surface of the roadway and soon cut it away, destroying ail the masonry work. The bridges are unquestionably the proper thing.' 1