Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 499, 17 Ianuali 1902 — CONCESSIONS MADE TO KONA-KAU RAILWAY [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


UPSET PRICE OF LAND REDUCED Meeting Between Governor Dole and Territorial Department Heads — Right of Way Granted Over Government Land—Letters Read. The Kona Kan Railway Company obtained some concessions from the T*'rritorial government, through its representative J. Coerper. yesterday morning. Mr. Coerper attended the meeting in the Capitol between Governor Dole and the Territorial department heads, asking for a reconsideration of the upset price for the land at Napoopoo desired by the railway company. The vote taken ai the pre ceding meeting, whereby $5O was fixed as the upset price, was recon sidered with the result that it was decided to put the land up at auction for an upset price of $lO per acre, a fifty-foot strip on the south side, along the beach, being reserved by the government. Mr. Coerper also requested a right of way over government laud for the railway. This was granted under the statute. The right of eminent domain which was also asked was n<- ! given as there was said to be no law allowing it. A petition was received from the taxpayers of Makawao. Maui, asking that the road from that place to Hai ku he changed according to a map furnished. A letter from Marston Campbell, published elsewhere, was read by Superintendent of Public Works J. H Boyd. Attorney General Dole read an opinion, which is printed elsewhere, concerning the National Bank of Walluku.