Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 499, 17 Ianuali 1902 — DEBATING SOCIETY RESUMES SESSIONS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


I FIRST GATHERING OF NEW YEAR. Neptune’s Christmas Present to the Mermaids—The Result of Army and Navy Troubles —Davy Jones Has a Joke on Captain Spider. The Christmas and New Year holidays being over, the waterfront's literary and debating society has re- ; sunud its meetings, but headquarters : 1 have been moved to the railroad wharf, where the mermaids are liv-; ing. It was learned from the whisperings at yesterday’s meeting that Neptune’s Christmas gift to the mermaids took the form of an axiom: To get a Christmas gift first get a stocking to pat it in.” That was the sole reason for the mermaids referring to him as a long whiskered Santa Claus who didin't make good. "What do you think will be the outcome of these strenuous goings on in the Army and Navy on the mainland?" inquired Davy Jones with anxious aspect. A new crop of Democrats. I'm afraid " replied Neptune w ith a sigh It was one of Davy Jones jokes. He glanced at a mermaid s caudal fin and told her to get ready to throw her old shoe? at Chauncey. Spider as a Sky Pilot. Davy Jones emerged from the cabin of the Florence with a quiet grin on hss face. “1 see " he observed, "that Captain Spider was The master of i-eremonies at a birtaday party on Tuesday night. Is he a candidate for a church dea conry *' Neptune could see nothing remarkable in that. “Shipmates of all time, including Captain Noah, of the Biblical ark fame." he said, hare thrown a line to help the church." Yea. I know replied Davy, rein* tantir yielding a point, “but Captain Spider always struck me as dif ferent Of course yon remember him warn as a mate, he used to make things hum after hours along the ‘ Barbate coast He was a good look- i , er. was Captain Spider la those old Jays, and there used to be hair putt-