Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 499, 17 January 1902 — JAPANESE FISHERMEN CAUGHT IN A STORM [ARTICLE]

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DRIFT PAST KAUI TO KAULA. Cutaway for Many Days, They Make Their Way to Niihau and Are Finally Rescued—Five Days Without Food or Water. Four shipw recked Japanese were biought bark from Niihau yesterday by the steamer Iwalani. They left Honoluiu about three weeks atto to 3>h A strong sale a as prevailing at the time and their boat was carried far away from the shores of Oahu. The) were carried to Kaula which is a small island twelve miles north of Niihau. From Kaula they goi back to Nil-: hat and the;e the boat wa» dashed on the rocks and broken The men were so weak that they could not handle the craft, and it was drifting at the mercy of the waves Residents of Niihau saw the wreck and went to the assistance of the men. The Japanese had been flvn i days without food or water, and were so weak that they coaid not stand. | They wern tenderly ca*ed for at Nit »

hau until the Iwalani made her monthly call there, when they were put aboard and brought to Honolulu. The Japanese lost ISO in cash in addition to their boat and other belongings. Captain Greene, of the Iwalani. treated .the men kindly and brought them home in his vessel.