Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 499, 17 January 1902 — NEW BOAT LAUNCHED FROM PURDY’S YARD [ARTICLE]

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LARGE CROWD SEES CEREMONY.] : "The Brother*" a worthy addition to Honolulu fleet—Built for Young Brothers—To be in Commiesion Next Week. At half past nine yesterday morn me the n"w boat "The Brothers’ was launched from the yard of Purdy and Baron The new boat has been built for Voune brothers and is expected to be in commission by the end of the week. The Brothers will be temporarily schooner rigged with an eight horse power Union gasoline engine as an auxiliary power. She will be fitted up for the accommodation jf fishing parties and special trips between the islands, being well adapted to the work. The Brothers Is thirtysix feet long from stem to stern, ten feet beam, and draw* about five feet of water. As a sailing craft she should be fast as her lines while they . show her ability to carry a great deal of (ought, are still fine enough to give her speed. She will carry a big spread of canvas and not rely on her engine for moving pow er except in case of necessity. Without her sails her engine will drive her a! the rate of six miles an hour and with sail and steam power combined she is expected to make at least ten miles without difficulty. A large number of people witnessed the launching which proved to be a most successful affair. The Brothers" will be put on the Molokai trade, and will be ready for business at the beginning of next week. She wi’l make her trial trip on Sunday afternon and her behavior will be watched with considerable interest.