Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 499, 17 January 1902 — UNNECESSARY EXPENSES CAUSED BY TRANSPORTS STOPPING HERE [ARTICLE]

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Major W. W.Robinson Made Such Report Source of tlio tool Supply is Translerred From Mia to Puget M-Mcai Coal Better aid Less Expensire. No* Used Bolosmly by Gomiaeni

r S. Quartermaster Major W. W. ’ tobinaon. who for over- twelve sonik-> was the United States Depot J iartermaater at this port, has arriv'd at Seattle. where be Is putting kings into shape prior to his de>arture for the Philippine Islands. tn an interview with a Seattle Funes reporter Major Robinson said: -I enjoyed the detail at Honolulu. It Is a very pleasant place to live, bough somewhat isolated on account tf its k . at ion in midocean away from -graphic communication with the ■e«t of the world. The development of the Honolulu

office and its work under my brief administration was such that it be* i ame a much less important post than when I arrived there. When 1 went there I found that the practice of ordering all of the Manila transports to stop there was follow-ed at some considerable and unnecessary expense to the Government. This 1 recommended to be changed and it has in general, though a portion of them still stop there on necessary business. Another reform instituted during my stay there was that of changing the source of the coal supply. When ;

I went there they were using coal from Australia exclusively. 1 found that the Puget Sound coal was not only better bat could be obtained at less expense to the Government and so succeeded in effecting the change Puget Sound coal is now being used there exclusively by the Government." It is probable that some time during the stay of Major Robinson in Seattle a public reception will be tendered him by the leading citizens and busi-nc-ss men. possibly including a banquet at one of the leading hotels of j the city.