Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 499, 17 Ianuali 1902 — BOTH ASSOCIATIONS PICNIC TOGETHER [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


RESULT OF A PRINTERS ERROR Y. W. C. A. Plans a Picnic to Waikiki and is Joined by Y. M. C. A. Later —Music and Supper at Mrs. Hebron's Beach Place. On Saturday aftern on at 2 o'clock the members of the Y. M. C. A. will meet at the Y. W. C A. and the party will proceed on wheels to Waikiki Those who prefer traveling on the cars or in other ways, and those who are not able to start at that hour, will join the party later la Waikiki. Ths party will stop at Mrs. Hebron's place on the old beach road. Every one will take her own supper which will be enjoyed on the lanai. Music will form part of the program of the day. There will be four string ed instruments and vocal selections will also be rendered. All those who attend are invited to take their bathing suits as there is a Sne bathing place at Mrs. Hobron's b»-ach house where the ladies expect to enjoy a swim. All members of the Association invited to attend and to induce their friends to go with them.

Secretary Brown, of the Y M C A., during the afternoon discovered that one of the evening papers by a typographical °rror had stated that the picnic was given by the Y. M C. A. He found that a number of the Y. M C. A. members who bad read this notice without suspecting the mistake bad begun to make arrangements for the trip, and as he did not think It possible that notification of the mistake could reach all these people in time, he promptly took th* ball by the horns and telephoned to the committee of ladles in charge of the picnic. He told tnem of the tern affairs had taken and ended hit statement with the request that the Y M. C. A. members be allowed to accompany the Y. W. C. A. ladies on their trip. This request was graciously granted and. as a consequence, the Y. M. C. A. n: n will be fnsb! r d to enjoy a sociable picnic through the little mistake cf placing an ‘M " in the place of a “W “