Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 499, 17 January 1902 — PRINCESS THERESA GIVES GRAND LUAU [ARTICLE]

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FEASTING. DANCING AND MUSIC Hundreds of Honolulu's Prominent Perple Gather at Keoua Villa in Honor of the Birthday of the Young Prince Keoua. Princess Theresa Wilcox, wife of Delegate Wilcox, cave a grand luau and reception at her home. Keoua Villa last night in honor of the ninth birthday anniversary of her sou. Prince Keoua. A magnificent feas; was spread, a number of long, heavily laden tables accommodating a large number of Honolulu's prominent people. From early in th° evening until early this morning feasting and dancing and merrymaking went on to the great pleasure of all present The- Territorial band was on hand with its ever charming music and the Hawaiian Quintet Club, with its fas cinating Hawaiian airs, was also conspicuous and delightful. Singing found a chance between the dances to charm the ears of hundreds of listeners and the voices of the song birds of Hawaii were indeed beautiful.

Princess Theresa was here, there and everywhere. looking after her guests and taking care that none lacked for entertainment Or repast. The Princess was ably and delightfully assisted by Miss Lilian Cramer. The decorations, floral and otherwise. were magnificent. Keoua Villa was last night the prettiest and the happiest place in town. The luau was an event which will linger long in the minds of those fortunate enough to attend.