Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 499, 17 Ianuali 1902 — Personal News. [ARTICLE]

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Personal News.

The engagement of F. W Klebahn and Miss Belle Walker has been announced. Miss Walker is the daugh ter of th“ late John S Walker. Mr. Klebahn is the head of the shipping department of Hackfeld & Co. W. H Hoogs is contemplating a business trip to the Coast. He will leave on or about February Ist. John Kelker. formerly connected with the Oahu Railway, has accepted a position as master mechanic with the Hilo Railway Mr Kelker has departed for his new field of op-ra ticn. A. R. Cunha has taken the initiative in the formation of a choir at St Augustine’s Chapel at Waikiki. E. Beebe, marag-r of the Globe Navigation Company’s Honolulu branch, left yesterday for Kahului by the Eureka, He will visit the port on a business mission. H W Hollins, t-aveling agent for the Examiner, is canvassing the Territory for subscribers to the weekly edition. Some beautiful art prizes are being given to new subscribers.