Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 499, 17 January 1902 — CONCORDIA’S MASKED BALL [ARTICLE]

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TOUHG PEOPLE DANCING MERRILY i | LEADING PORTUGUESE SOCIETY ENTERTAINS VERY LARGE AUDIENCE Romeo. George Washington and Spanish Cavalier Represented. The 1902 Club Also Gives Successful Dance—Vocal Selections and Clever Acting Appreciated. I The masquerade ball given last night at Lusitaca hall by the Con i cordia Society wa- a great success. The masks were few but those that used them took it upon themselves to represent the absent ones. Over one hundred couples whirled and danced until the small hours of this morning. A true Latin gaiety prevailed during the evening and nothing happened to marr the joyous and happy spirit of th» m-rrymakers. A Hawaiian quintet club furnished the music for the dancing. Between the hours of T:3O and 9:30 the floor had been reserved for the masks, some of which were very pretty. The Spanish Cavalier, as represented by V Fernandez, was very realistic and his costume was one of the finest to be had in Honolulu. A close second was Romeo, represented by Abel S. Nasoimento. who in his demeanor truly personified the Romeo of the celebrated Opera. A small boy. Irene Costa, represented George Washington, and had as a partner a little girl. Irene Costa, dressed all in green. B. Correa made a most typical American Indian, and J. Marceliino impersonated to perfection an American girl. About 10 o’clock a committee com posed of Major Camara. A. Sylva and J. Saunders met on the platform to decide who deserved the prizes for the best and most original costume They decided that Manuel Silva, who represented a flower girl, deserved the first prize and that Abel N’ascimento should be 'given the second. Refreshments were served during the evening, and the dance proved to be a most enjoyable affair. The committee in charge of the ball was as ‘ follows; J. G. Olivera, chairman; M. J. Cabral. secretary: J M Gomez. J. A Jose. J. M. Medeiros, M. Alimada. Jr., and L. Nunes. The Concordia is a musical and social society composed of the best element of the Portuguese colony and • has the following officers: L. Nunes, president: J. Jose, vice-president: M Olivera. secretary and J. Carvalho, treasurer.