Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 498, 16 January 1902 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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[6l No matter what you are buying it a I way* pay* to get tHe be*t. Th«» rule hold* good m other thing* as well. It P»y» *<» patronize the test laundry a* it will always give you the most for yotr money. In this case it is »h* most satisfaction and the least wear to your clothe*. You are saving money as surely when you buy good laundry work as in any other commodity. Sanitiirv Stem Laundry Co. California Harness Sliop Opoosito Club Stables. Of SIXOLS DOUBLE DRAT DELIVERY EXPRESS a CARRIAGE REPAIRING A Specialty D. O. HAMMAN. Fort Street, 7 111 \3 i| Andrew tisher Sc Go.’s* lj SPECIAL RESERVE t II '» I > j ; \ A F=»EAOOOK & 00.. SOLE AGENTS. J SCOTCH WHISKEY * NONE EQUAL w. o •»»»»»»»»»»»»>»»»>»»»»»»»»>»»« I The Coyne \ Furniture Co., |'!*a=Jl IS OFFERING SOME BEAUTIFUL BEDROOM SETS AT Q HOLIDAY BRICES* { T *TSp CS i% J CmdJL "’AN ' i i * - A t 'J W 8 :.“? J In WHITE MAPLE. BIRDSEYE . ' " J Z * MAPLE, OAK, MAHOGANY. ‘ _ JJ A ASH. ELM and PINE. {. . —. J w a The Block. FORT STREET * HttUOtCtmttOOOOO tMtttttttUtttOOOOO* CONDON’S NIGHT PATROL HELIABLEWATCHMEN FURNISHED , , Rates Reasonable FOR k Buildings, Business Property AND Residences ALSO Ships and Docks PHONE BLUE 1211. OFFICE: 1245 FORT STREET. umwtmmMUMManuwi » fcE.WE.KMt fcM\SEAET\OH The efficiency, brilliancy, penetrating power and general satis faction which our new enclosed type of \RC LIGHTS are giving recommend them to the merchant the h>t 1 gin for store use. jt jt j» Mr. C. C. Eakin. of the Imperial Cigar Store. ha> been using the new arc light for some lime, and says; "I rtv: :>:• ••<'■-* ires absolute satisfaction n‘ rrvry respect, atui I I V M I 5 s 6 * S * » 4 4 4 4 4 5 s « 5 * •t * A * & no other." We have many such opinions a- this. Imr the light is the J greatest recommendation. Can be seen at Manufacturing Sh-sr * Co.. W. \V. Dimond's. Globe Clothing Store an*! others For JJ ♦ A* further information address J f The Hawaiian Electric Co., ltd. I h V i King Street Near Alakea. • A • E. W. QUINN Ssi&g Ch. 3,23. plumber Merchant Tailor TWO STORES. Estimates furnished on F*ir»t-Cs**» No. M Hotel, opp. New England Bac Modern Plumbing. err. and Hotel street, opp. The Patronage of Owner*. Archl Hoffman Saloon, tects and Builders Solicited. P O Box 152. Suita Made to Order ir the Latest Style*. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. 115 Union St. Clcthing Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired