Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 498, 16 January 1902 — HONOLULU IS RECEIVING A GENERAL CLEANING [ARTICLE]
SANITARY INSPECTORS WORK. City Sanitary Offie- r Tracy stated before the Board of Health yesterday that last month had been spent in I clearing and cleaning up the city, and ions of rubbish hai been removed from under and around buildings and j loose lumber piled so as to prevent rats from making their nests underneath. The inspectors have also been finishing up back orders to close up the year, which accounts for more nuisances being abated during the ; month than were reported. Building Applications Included in the report for Decern her. submitted by that official. It was stated the number of building applications received. 21; approved. 12: disapproved. 0; applications of prev- | ious month approved. 10: applications 1 withdrawn. 2: applications held. 6; I held by survey department. 12. Two \ of the six applications held violate sanitary regulations, three have not filed sufficient plans and one is held until the grade of the lot is raised Sanitary Regulation Work. Cesspools located during the month. ■ 9; buildings altered or moved so as to conform to the sanitary regulai tions. 15; examinations before, duri ing and at completion of building. 124; inspections other than of new ; buildings. 362: certificates for lodg- ; ing house, restaurant or hotel licenses applied for. IS. All of these were issued. Certificates issued on applicaj tions previous to December 5: certifi- ' rates held for sanitary work to be fin ; ished. 9: number of adults who can by law be lodged in these buildings i licensed. 2.084. Three formal complaints have been filed and the nuisances investigated and abated. Twenty-four.4B hour notices have been served and in 22 cases the recipient proceeded to abate the’ nuisance. In two cases the nuisances are being abated. Twenty-five notices to connect premises to the public sewer system have been served. Three builders without peri mils have been notified to obtain permits and have done so.