Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 498, 16 January 1902 — REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS [ARTICLE]
The following transactions in real * estate have been recorded: Recorded January 3. 1902. M. R. Aholo and husband to F. Strauch: partion deed: portion Rl’ ! 34t!9. Kul. S7FL. Ktpaiama. Honolulu. Oahu. Book 234. page 7. Dated January 3. 1901. F. Strauoh and husband to M. R. Aholo; partion deed; portion R. P. 3469. Kul. S7FL. Kapaiania. Honolulu. Oahu. Book 234. page 8. Dated Jan ! uary 3. 1902. J. Ijovc to Mrs. A. L. Roe; deed: ! three pieces land. Emma street. Ho- | nolulu. Oahu: 82 Book 234. pag- 9. i Dated August 28. 1901. ! Moeala to P. Kalfimamaha; deed; i interest in R.- P. 7137. Kul. 7669. Wa- | iahole. Koolaupoko. Oahu; $5. Book ! 234 page 11. Dated November 22. I 1901. Palkele to I.ehua: d?ed; Ap. 2. R * P. 3013. Kul. 580. Waiahole. KoolauOahu; $25. Book 234. page 12. Dated . December 13. 1901. ( Estate S. N. Castle. Limited, to J. 1 H. Schnack: exchange dfed; portion Kul. 2293. Printers lane. Honolulu. Oahu: 11. Book 229. page 323. Dated • .February 16 1901. J. H. Schnack and wife to Estate S V Caagle. Limited: exchange deed: portion Kul. 283. Young stre-t, : Honolulu. Oahu: $l. Bo- k 229. page 323. Dated February 16. 1901. ! FUhaf to C B Nikee; deed; R P . • 7613, Waioli. HanaleS. Kauai; $2OO.
Ka—aka and wife to T. K. KakU-i moe; deed; R P. 2452. KcL 23«. W» ! ihe«. Koolaapoko Oahu: $54. Book JCS. pa«>> 320. Dated December 24. | ww. Lower* £ Cooke. Limited, to Bank ,of Hawaii. Limited: turtgag'-: por ti ss R P. s 3608 an ! 1524. Kal. 57T. Kin* street. Mono!ala. Oahu; s!♦).- j 4*X* and advances to sl*o.ooo. Book 222. page 25. Dated December 31. ! I SOL Xg Mon Sai to Chan? Sing, deed, one-third of lot 9 block 2. Pearl City. Em Oahu; $95 Bock 251, page 132 Dated January 2. 1902. Ng Mon Sni to Chong Wah Tcng: deed: cae-third of lot 9. block 2. P*ari City, Ewa. Oaha. 195. Book 231 pag-* 133 Dated January 2, IS*>2. Haile and fansband to P. Manuthi: deed: Ap. 2. R. P. 2123 Ku!. 2311. Waihee. Kooiaupoko. Oahu; s*>•• Book 231. page 134. Bated January 6, 1942. Recorded January 7. 1902 J. Ferreira to W. T. R' binson: deed; all real and personal property. Book 231. pag; 135. Dated January 6. 1902. Becky Ccckett and husband (Joel to \V G. Scott; deed; lot 3. Market street extension, Wailukti. Maui; $•1:10. Book 229. page 32* Dated August 3, 1901. H, D. Wishard to M. Johnson: deed; portion R P. 4*23. Kul. 3371. Fapaia. H nomaulu. Kauai; $l. Book 234. page 13. Dated December 2S. 1901. H. A. Juen and wife to J. HSchnack; deed; Ap. 3. Grant ITT. Pawaa. Honolulu. Oahu: $3OOO. Book 231. pag** 136. Dated March 3". 1901.! Hawaiian Commercial Sugar Company to Aloha Lodge No. 3. K of P.; deed; one fourth acre Mill street. Wailukn. Maui; $l. Book 231. page 13T. Dated September 25. 1901. J Armstrong to A. X. Campbell; mortgage; R. P. 233. Kul. T 446. R. P ITS. Kul T 439, Ap. 2. Manananui. Ewa Oahu: $940. Book 230. page 173. Dated December 6. 1901. , K. Campbell to Hamakua Mill Com- ■ pany; lease: Kuls. 10174 and 37058. j Hamakua, Hawaii; ten years at I 7-1 o'i. Book 228. page 434. Dated December 20. 1901. K. Matsu mo to to I. Xose: chattel mortgage: two mules, dray and harness, Moiliili. Honolulu. Oahu: $4 >0 Book 230. page 175. Dated January 6. 1902. Recorded January 8. 1902. G. Segelken to H. T. Marsh; r< lease; portion R. P. 4422. Kul. 539. Pawaa. Honolulu. Oahu: $lBOO. Bo >k 196. page 111. Dated January 7. j 19»>2. X. K. Wilson and wife to G. Segel-1 ken; mortgage.; portion R. P. 4422. Kul. 329. Pawaa, Honolulu. Oahu; SI.SOo. Book 230. page ITS. Dated, July 16. 1901. D. Xagatani to X. Ishisaka; chattel | mortgage; leasehold, live stock, etc., i Pauoa. Honolulu. Oatm: fluiiO. Book 230. page 181. Dated January 7, 1902. A. Trask and wife to J- Andrade; mortgage; portion R. P. 2679. Kill. 3455. Kakaako. Honolulu. Oahu; S2OOO. Book 230. page IS2. Dated January 7. 1901. C. Brown to W. .1 White; release; i lots 67. 77 and 78. Pawaa tract. Honolulu. Oahu: $2OOO. Book 215. page 401. Dated January 6. 1902 C. A. Brown to J. A. Magnon: Rev. P. D.; powers granted Julv 28. 1897. Book 162. page 369. Dat d, January 6. 1902. Recorded January 9. 1902. S. C. Alien to R. B. French; release; leasehold, buildings, etc., near Vineyard street. Honolulu. Oahu; $4OO. Book 179. page 6. Dat-d January 9. 1902.