Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 498, 16 January 1902 — SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS OFFERED BY DIFFERENT BUSINESS HOUSES [ARTICLE]

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The best is always the cheapest ’ in the end. and when a house is 1 known to carry reliable goods, it is i • best to patronize it; see Hoffschiae- « r Co.’s ad on page 5. The “Oliver” typewriter is the latest and most striking-machine on the market sold by Wall. Nichols & j Co . Litd. j For "afternoon teas, yen cannot buy ! anything more tasty than our Macaroons Fingers. Cream Puffs j etc. All the dainty styles of biscuits fresh every day. The New England i Bakery- Hotel street. Wm F. Wilson Co., leading plumj ters in San Francisco have a permanent office here now in the Alexanj dcr Young Building. To start in and lay by yonr super fluons cash is the beginning of a regular bank account, which in later f years you will look back on with much pride. Bishop <c Co Bankers : pay 4U pet cent on Savings Deposits. Ladies skirts and underwear mat! to order at the cheapest prices L J. Sun. Nananu Avenue. Drink "Primo" and keep healthy, get rich and die old. The Von Hamm Young Co. Ltd. I are agents for the Union Gas Engine. | both stationary and Marine Queen street. Phone Main 275.

Onr fresh Cream Butter is admitted by all to be. what we sell them for —fresh in every sense of the word. Ring up Blue 3171 and give us a trial order. The Star Dairy. Most householders keep a little whiskey or brandy in the house —in case they should at any time require It —give your next order to Jos. H •*.- niann & Co.. Bethel street. Phone 319 Main. • KomeT’ is the most popular drink in town, ask for it. Put uo by the Consolidated Soda Water Works Co. Spruce up! Get your shirts wash ed at the Sanitary Steam Laundry Called for and delivered. Phone 73. Portable Track Complete for sale 3D and 26 inch gauge, by H. Hackfeld Co. When buying stones, buy the best you can get. it is cheaper than buying an inf rior article for a low price. The Eurfka Wickless Blue K’ame Oil Stoves are sold with a guarantee by the Hawaiian Hard ware Co Oar business is that of supplying the wants of onr neighbors in th c f. miture line —d;n*t forget as H H Williams. Fort street. Nice rooms for rent, with or without board. Helen's Court. H. M. L* vy. manager.