Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 498, 16 January 1902 — IS IT WHEN CHEEK MEETS CHEEK THEN. [ARTICLE]
HAS ENCOUNTER WITH BURGLAR Masked Man Enter* Hi* Place in) Early Morning—After That Du*! With Rock*—Robber Makes Good Hi* Escape. I. ' Mr M A. of the Bank of! Hawaii, who lire* on the corner ofi Spencer and Magazine streets, has j add'- ; n - name to the long list of people who have had encounters | with burglars. Yesterday morning | at 3 o clock he was awakened. He h f ard someone walking on the gravel' ;a his garden. He got up and went into the parlor. H»re be found a bur tlar In a most professional disguise, j The burglar chases! Cheek with a | long dirk. Cheek retired rapidly but In order.! The burglar then tried to make a modest exit but Cheek followed him { to Magazine street Here Cheek | picked up some rocks and for a while I be and the burglar benefited much from the commendable early morning ' • zeroise of throwing rocks at each ' other. This contest lasted for overj fi\<- minutes both sides failing to si ore By the end of this time the | burglar managed to effect his re | treat. Cheek has invested in an arsenal of deadly weapons and will hereafter be ready for any burglar who comes his way.