Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 498, 16 Ianuali 1902 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
A Cup of Good Coffee To get a real good cup of Coffee you’ll have to start back of the actual making. You’ll have to look to the roasting and grinding. LEWIS’ CELEBRATED COFFEE Is a high grade blend, but moderately priced. 30c. the pound. Roasted three times a week and ground three times a day from good old Kona coffee. Always pure and fresh. LEWIS & CO., ltd. 1066 Fort St. 240—Three Telephone*—24o. Win. F. Wilson Co. s < I < c < < < ( - < < i < >! The leading Plumbers of San Francisco. have decided to locate a per manent establishment in Honolulu. This will give the residents of thia city an opportunity of having their plumbing done at reasonable rates by the most skillful mechanics in the i < c < < 5 C I plumbing business. < ( < OFFICE AN'D SHOP AT THE < ilexuier Tim Biiig.