Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 498, 16 January 1902 — About Men and Women [ARTICLE]

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About Men and Women

Lady Barnett recently presented to Queea Alexandra a Pom ?nan;sc dog. which weighs only a pound and a half, and is valued at 55040. Lord Kinaaird, the English nobleman Is not only an acknowledged authority on football bat is an ordained minister of toe Established [ Church. The Crown Prince of Siam, who Is being educated in Europe, has just corrected toe iast proofs of a little book be has written on the wars of the Polish succession, i Max Heart, the Harlem millionaire, was once a bootblack, and he still preserves in his handsome home the ' original boofbiacking outfit with : which he begaj; his business career. J Cecil Rhodes will erect a monument. to cost him $100,009, in Mashona'and South Africa, in commemo- ’ ration of Major Wilson’s last stand against Lobeaguia, on J>ecetnber 4. ’ 1853. Ladislaus Madarasz. who was Sec- > retary of State in Hungary for thirty , years, and Francis Argo. Judge Advocate General under Kossuth, are at ■ present living in Leon. Decatur County. lowa. George Gould has converted an tig- , ly spot on the grounds of his Lakewood, N. J., home into a beautiful sunken garden. It is Oriental in idea, and said to be the only sunken gar den in America Mrs. Humphrey Ward is a mistress of -Spanish, French. Italian and German. Her knowledge of Spanish literature is such that when only 18 she was asked to adjudicate in a Spanish essay competition. Prof. William E. D. Scott, curator of ornithology at Princeton Univer sity, has been devoting considerable time of late to find out how various kinds of birds have acquired distinctive songs that characterize different species. Hamilton MacCarthy. of Ottawa. Canada, has made the model for the, bronze statue, thirteen feet high, which is being cast in New York, to; be erected next Spring in Halifax. Nova Scotia, to commemorate the deeds of the Nova Scotians who fell in the Boer war. Mrs. C. N Whitman, of Denver. 1 owns the largest ranch of any woman in the world. It is located in Texas, near Tascosa, and is called the L. S. Ranch, from Lucien Scott, the first owner. The ranch is thirty miles square, and hundreds of cowboys are employed upon it. Governor Miguel A. Otera. o? New Mexico, is about to move in the direction of stopping the vandals who have been dismantling the homes of the cliff dwellers, monuments of a civilization older than the pyramids. Mrs. Henry Weils Terry, a resident of Babylon, L. 1., has one of the most j complete and valuable collections of birds in America, which she inherited from her father. J. G. Knoess. an ornithologist, known all over the world for his knowledge on this sub- ; ject.