Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 498, 16 January 1902 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Keep Healthy BY DRINKING ROBERT’S Cream if Mite A pure beverage of great benefit to invalids and children. YOU CAN GET IT AT Salter's Grocery ORPHEUM BLOCK. r The Complete Process' of repaint Lug a carriage necessitates sometime# the putt frig on of as many as Id COATS of Lead Paint. Filling Paint. Color Paint and Rubbing Varnish, and onlv then is it ready for the final STBIPENO. Ail Carriages thit are brought to us go through all this and more, the old paint is burnt off and every three coats of lead are pumice stoned off smooth and when we let it go out of the Shop#—you could not tell it from a new one. Bring in Your Old Looking Chariot and Have it Resurrected. W. W. WRIGHT, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER King Street Vm.G.lrviD&Co —LIMITED—REFINED SUGARS Cube and Granulated. PARAFLNE PALM CO.'S Paints. Compounds and Building Papers. PALM OILS, Lucol —Raw and Boiled. Linseed —Raw and Boiled. IXDURINE Water-proof Cold-water Paint, In side and outside: in white and colors. FERTILIZERS Alex. Cross & Sons' high-grade Scotch fertilizers, adapted for sugar cane and coffee. N. Ohlandt & Co.’s chemical Fertilizers and finely ground Bone meat STEAM PIPE COVERING, Reed’s patent elastic sectlona pipe Covering. FILTER, PRESS CLOTHS, Linen and Jute. I CEMENT. LIME & BRICKS Agents For WESTERN SUGAR REFINING CO., San Francisco, Cal. \ BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, Philadelphia. Pa.. U. S. A NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO-, (Maaf. “National Cane Shredder” Newark. U. S. A • • OHLARDT & CO., San Frar.cifco, Cal 54® King Street Honolulu, H. I. WM. H. BARTH STAR BLOCK 1290 Fort Street. Near Knkai Street P. O. BOX SO. METAL ROOFING GALVANIZED IRON SKYLIGHTS AND VENTILATORS. PIPE AND GUTTER WORK REMEMBER! REMEMBER ! J tibia; nl Sipiini; Pnsftly Ittiilal ti HONOLULU. H. T. r. J. EfSSIXL E. *. ▼irsc* RUSSELL I VftTSII ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS-AT-LAW. Magoon Building. Cor. Merchant and Alakea Streets. Phone Main 328. John A. Hassinger, NOTARY PUBLIC, Agent to Grant Marriage License*, etc. —Removed to the— Offices of Macfarlane & Co., KAAHUMANU STREET. R. Susumago PHOTOGRAPHER. Fine Cabinet Photos Oniy 53.50 per Dozer. Csr. of Maunakea and King Sts. THOMAS LINDSAY flannfactnrina: Jeweler C And Watchmaker 530 FORT STREET J. W. A. Redhouse Watch and Chronometer Maker. Plain and complicated watch work a specialty. Campbell Block Merchant Street Opposite Republican Office. JUDD & CO. Ltd. REAL ESTATE AGENTS STOCK BROKERS. 30? Stangenwald Building —:— —; — Phone 223 Main. ALBERT KALLWEIT NICE . CIGAR . STAND Adjoining Hotel Stables. Tobaccos of All Kinds. Cool Drinks On Ics. HOTEL STREET, Opposite Hawaiian Hotel. ALBERT BERNDT FIRST CLASS TAILOR. CLOTHES MADE TO ORDER Cleaned and PressedHOTEL STREET, Adjoining Hotel Stables —Opposite Hawaiian Hotel. French V Laundry 605, Cor. of Beretauia Are. amt Punchbowl St. All WorkDonebyHand Lace Curtains, Silk and Clove Cleaning a Specialty. AHADIE & CTO REMEMBER!. E. V. Jirtas D)g Dim m Is Still On. REMEMBER! : I THt | A TITHE advertiser’s best friend is the med! ;m through 1 1 which he obtains the biggest returns for his money. X One medium which is used by advert ers to a great * xtest is the circular or booklet The circular or a booklet is always ineffective, unless it is v try handsome— A handsome enough to attract the e> o of the man to whom it * is sent, no matter how busy ho may be. A booklet handa some enough to do this almost always costs from three to A four cents apiece. There is the mailing to ct-int in (two 8 cents a copy, of course); there is the trouble in getting a list A- f names, and la addressing. Altogether the cost will figure * up to about seven cents a copy f,-r a good booklet. Two J thousand circulation in a book! t - ■ ry Urge. Two th- * sand circulation at se\-n c- nts is Jit'! 1 I-propose to show J; that you can invest $l4O In newspaper space and get returns a fi’-- fold of what you would g*t through a booklet. A | Newspaper Space Is Valuable « In the first place, there is th# cost. For $l4O you can get * a good-sized space in a n- wspaper of good circulation for f quite a long time. You know your newspaper rates; you can 3 figure it out to suit your own Instance much better than I 5 can. So much for cost A A * * Now for Effectiveness * I : A You must tell your customers how much your goods arc going to cost. An advertisement without a price is like meat without salt —it will do you no good. How can you put prices in a booklet when you are doing a strictly retail business? You have competitors; you have to change your prices constantly to meet theirs, and to me*t oth*r exigencies. The first change of a price will kill the effectiveness of a bo .klet, and where are you? Your advertisement in a newspaper may be changed as many times as you desire. You are constantly up-to-date. • The Newspaper Is Effective A * A A Metropolitan Meat Co., Ltd ♦ IOS KING STREET. G J. WALLER, - - - Manager. Wholesale and Retail * BUTCHERS and NAVY CONTRACTORS RISDON IRON AND LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. San Francisco, CaL Furniture Work a Specialty. All Orders Promptly Executed. SING LEE TAI CARPENTER CONTRACTOR PAINTER DR. W. R. BOGLE CHIROFODIJT. Room 18.—Arlington Building. CORNS AND INGROWING TOE NAUS EXTRACTED A A a ti A ■ ti A A * A A Any kind of a newspaper has more circulation than you ft can obtain through a booklet for $l4O. Newspapers rearh J the heart of the home. Every one reads them, and they are far more certain to obtain close attention than any printed w matter which you would send. If you sent printed matter J of your own accord to persons who do not know you. you * would be putting yourself face to face with them with nt a w guarantee. They have nothing to judge the quality of your JJ goods by. and they can only take what yon say on our own * paper and in your own way. Anybody can say as much aa v they please. £ When your matter appears In a newspaper of go- 1 eircu- v latfon and good standing, the newspaper is a guarantee for w what you say. Newspapers are always particular as to whom v their advertisers are. (I speak of good newspapers always.) v Your ads will gain a value besides their Inherent one. They J wiM be vouched for, and this Is not to be despised. Yon J have a certain fluctuating trade, which Is always valuable. * and which needs some sort of an Introduction to your store. • This introduction the newspaper gives yon. * Good Paper Adds Dignity : * * You are ki yzm by the company you k*- p. re: w and if your.ads Appear in a paper which hold trself up be J fore the masses as a leader, you will be known as a patron w of what Is good. and you will obtain trade from those whom w it is worth trading with. £ On all scores I consider newspaper advertising by far « the best. On the score of cheapness: on the score of b'dng w able to constantly change your announcem- nts: on the score m of direct and immediate returns; and on th r score of b-.ng v introduced to people, to strangers, as a store which ran af- * ford to announce its news to every one In a dignifl- d and J straightforward manner, and this Is the manner which brxgs * trade that pays. J FRANKLIN BURNHAM. J New York City. Jf Sns Wing long Co. K. YAU TOUNG. Manager. Corner Alakea * King St*. BRUITS and FRESH OYSTERS by every boat. KONA COFFEE, KONA BUTTER. GUAVA JELLY. Bawls Delitered Free. ciuma m fob sue A CYLINDER PRESS, in good condition —just the Pee** for a Weekly Paper. Will be *old at a Bargain. Apply at REPUBLICAN OFFICE. THE EAGLE SALOON I GEO. J. CAVANAUGH, Prop’r, “ 3?s*X3£o BEER The above article, written by one of the best-informed advertising men in the country, is in lin* with th-- business policy advocated and'maintained bv THE HONOLULU REPUBLICAN. His descripti n of a good newspaper and Its superior merits as Jl2 advertising m* dlum Is distinctly app cable to an essentially reliable and dignified family P*P**r of large circulation, such as THE REPUBLICAN. Always os tap. Ccr. Punchbowl and Halekauila Sts. Groceries! CANNED FRUITS. CANNED MEATS, CANNED FISH. The Union Express Co., £gß2Kas?lfl2sf Office with Ewsaiaf Boifetii. 1U King Street Telephone » '.Vp move safes, pianos and furniture. We haul freight and lumber. Choice Wine*. Liquors and Cigar RYAN A DEMENT. Northwest corner Hotel and Nome Street*. We sell black and white sand. inTDIIT 1 I We meet all incoming eoaet steamers. fifl4l U 1 On LI t\/i\ We check baggage on all outgoing team era. W. LARSEN, Manager TEAS. COFFEES. SUGAR. FLOUR and FRUITS. ..at.. Honolulu Brewing and Malting Draught and Bottled Beer. King street, opp. Q. R. A L. Co. Depot RYAN A DEMENT. Prep. X. TANAKA. Nuuaau Street. Bark of Club Stables. FRANK AVEIROS Romania Street near Alakea. Board. $4.50 per week Meals, - - - -25 c Each PiITiTE SCSI FSI LACIES. EVERYTHING MEW, CLEAN and | FRESH. . . Fin* Bath House The Popular Pestaurai)t Fin* Barber House. 11 Fin* Imported Cigsr*. B-.thel Street, hack o' Postofflce. \ Fine PolUh stand .