Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 498, 16 Ianuali 1902 — FITZSIMMONS INVITED TO STAY AT HOME [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


PRESENCE NOT AT ALL HELPFUL Good Intentions Seriously Questioned by Wife—Board of Health Notified to Keep Sympathetic Husband Outside the Settlement. There is at least on* woman confined at the Leper Settlement at Molokai who positively d-clines to acept the friendly administrations or sympathetic kindness of her lawful husband and partner of her joys and woes. Having received a hint that her spouse was about to apply for admission to Molokai settlements. Mrs. V. M. Fitzsimmons forwarded the following letter to the Health de-' panment. The communication was considered one to which no reply was deemed necessary. The letter reads as follows: Ka’aupapa. Jan. 9th. 19"2. Dr. H C. Sloggett. President of the Board of Health. Dear sir—l understand that my husband V. M. Fitzsimmons is about to send again an application to thej Board of Health to be allowed to come into the Leper Settlement as a ’kokua’’ or helper to me. If such an application be sent iato the Board I wish to sav to you that I do not want him to be sent in here as my “helper" as I am quite able to do for

myself and do not need any h-lp from h;m at present He baa aUo | written to me till’ fc- will take some kind f medicine and pr“s nt him to you to be examined as a leper. I write you ini' letter bocai: *e kis intentions of comice h«re is not stood For if he really sect here I am afraid he will do me some unknown injuries. I remain yocrs rery truly. MRS V M. FiTSZIMMONS