Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 498, 16 Ianuali 1902 — SLOW PROGRESS MADE IN SEWER CONNECTIONS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


N ISANCES ARE BEING ABATED. Plumbing Inspector Keene Reports Busy Yeai* tn Looking After Many Unhealthy Localities—Hope for Compliance With Board’s Orders. liu-i .led in the report of i’lumbinc Inspector Keene. tiled with the Board <>f M« .’th yesterday. it was mated that during the year the average number of inspections (or each working Say was 1* ami the average sewer connections made each workir.it day was t.ds. The approximate number of people using the sewer up to January I. ISO;, was tj ilH*. Mr Keene further reported; Many Connections to be Made. "When it is ren>eml>ered that there are still 3.000 sewer connections to be made, it can very readily be seen il.at if they are net made with more rapidity in the future than they have been in the past, that it will be a long while before we* (tot rid of the i e-sspooi*. " Vs that part of the city K» « of Smith street, is very generally con meted with the sewer, i would sag- • st that the balance of the city be required to do so as rapidly as possible. as I find in most cases people arc only waiting the orders of your honorable board to connect, as is Instanced by the order to residents along the line of King and Young streets, when- a nuisance was quickly abated by cheerful compliance to M>d order. Pumping More Costly. "It should not be a very difficult

matter for people to figure out that it is cheaper (from a monetary, to say nothing of a sanitary point of viewi to pay the small fee demanded by the government to connect with I the sewer, than it is to maintain a cesspool, for cesspools must be pumped out and for this the government must be paid, and I venture to assert that more money is paid out an • n rally for pumping out cesspool* than would be charged for twice that many • connections.'’