Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 498, 16 Ianuali 1902 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

KALIHI is a Residential Suburb Is attracting lots of attention since the Rapid Transit Co., built their extension. See the Gulick Tract Before buying buildii g lots elsewhere, a beautiful locality healthy, every facilitv, electric oars, wat©" laid, etc. Eas y terms of payment apply MRS. S. 7L GULICK. F>. O. BOX 415. ms Oceanic Steamship Co. TIME TABLE. Tbe steamers of this hne wilt arrive and leave this port as hereunder; FROM SAN FRANCISCO. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. 1901. VENTURA Wed.. Jan. «S ALAMEDA Sat.. Feb. 1 SIERRA Wed.. Feb. 12 ; ALAMEDA Sat., Feb. 22 SONOMA Wed.. Mar. 5 ALAMEDA Sat., Mar. 15 VENTURA Wtd.. Mar. 2« ALAMEDA Sat.. April 5 SIERRA Wed., April 18 ALAMEDA Sat.. April 2« 1901. SIERRA Tues.. Jan. 21 ALAMEDA Wed,. Feb. ( SONOMA Tues. Feb. 11 ALAMEDA Wed.. Nov. 28 VENTURA Tues . Mar. 4 ALAMEDA Wed , Mar. 19 SIERRA Tues.. Mar. 25 ALAMEDA Wed., April * SONOMA Tues.. April 15 ALAMEDA Wed„ April 19 VENTURA Tues.. May 8 In connection with the sailing of the above steamers the agents are prepared to Issue to intending passengers COUPON THROUGH TICKETS by any railroad from San Francisco to all points in the United State* and from New York by any steamship line to all European porta. FOR GENERAL INFORMATION APPLY TO WM. G. IRWIN & CO. LIMITED GENERAL AGENTS OCEANIC S. S. CO. Pacific Mail S. S. Co. Occidental and Oriental S. S. Go. and Inyo Kisen Kaisha Steamers of the above Companies will call at Honolulu and leave thia port on or about the dates below mentioned: FOR GENERAL INFORMATION APPLY TO H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd. j = Agents. Canadian Australian Royal Mail Line. Steamers of the above line running in connection with the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver. B. C.. and Sydney N.S W„ and calling at Victoria. 8.C., and Honolulu, and Brisbane. 0.. are DUE AX HONOLULU From Vancouver and Victoria for From Sydney and Brisbane for Brisbane and Sydney Victoria and Vancouver AORANGI JAN. IS MOANA JAN II MO AN A FEB. 15 On or about the dates stated above. THROUGH TICKETS issued from Honolulu to Canada. United States and Europe. For Freight and Passage, and all general information, apply to THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., Limited. GENERAL AGENTS. ImßPlGaif-Hawaiian S.S. Co NEW YORK TO HONOLULU VIA PACIFIC COAST. IRE SPLENDID REV HEEL ITEIDERJ^— S. S. Oregonian, GOOO tons, to sa 1 about Doc. 20. S. S. Californian, GOOD tons, to sail about January 20, 1902. S. S. American. 6000 tons, to sail about February. From San Francisco for Honolulu, S. S. Hyaues. 3000 tons, sail January 4th, 1902. Freight received at Company's wharf. Forty-second Street, South Brooklyn, at ail times. ... For Farther Particulars Apply to H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd. C, P. MORSE. General Freight Agent. AGENTS. HONOLULU. CHINESE SILKS IN EVERY DESIGN Hi AND SHADE. Goo Kfni’s Xbusss St. CLOAKS. PIANO COVERS, CREPES. CHINESE CURIOS, ET<L, ETC,