Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 498, 16 January 1902 — A CONFIDENTIAL QUERY. [ARTICLE]

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Did you never buy a gold brick ?, Honest Cross your heart? Was you ever "up against it" with no friend to take your parf* O. you joke about the farmer with his whiskers an' his way Of iettin' people do him up because he's such a jay. Bat was you never vanquished by some fellow critter's art? Did you never buy a gold brick? Honest? Cross your heart? Did ;;ou never give your money to some man that put on airs? An' find that all he left you was certificates of shares? Ditl yon never place your hopes upon some promise very dear. An watch yer hope? all vanish as you waited, year by year? Did >oar folly never lead you up to disappointments smart ? Did vou never buy a gold brick? Honest? Cross your heart? —Washington Star.