Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 498, 16 January 1902 — BENJAMIN SEWALL HAS MORE TROUBLE [ARTICLE]

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HALF CREW DESERTS THE SHIP Sailors Claim Vessel is Short of Provisions and in No Condition to Sail—More Men Are Premised For This Morning. An attempt wijl be made to have the ship Benjamin Sewall get away for Freemantle, Australia, sometime today. She was ready to go to sea yesterday, but at the last moment half of her crew deserted her. claim ing that the vessel I? short of provis- 1 ions and in no condition to sail. Sailors are scarce in Honolulu just now. especially for a ship like the B* njaniin Sewall. Most of the men ashore are union men or coasters and expect to ship at union wages which are |35 a month, A deep wa ter ship pays |25 a month only, and sailors claim that on such vessels they don't receive proper treatment. Moreover, on arriving at Freemantle they will be paid off and wages there are only 120 a month. Turk and Lewis have promised the • aptain that he shall have a complete crew tomorrow morning. The repairs made to the Benjamin Sewall are satisfactory to the insurers. and the action of the sailors i» looked upon as on]y what was to be expected from them